
I think KDice should have...

or, vote for an existing idea if you think its a good one.

By the most votes

 IdeasLast Comment/VoteVotesReplies
when killoy leaves the table it should say "killroy was here" instead of "killroy has left" 2007-06-03 19:09:25.0
by kmice
0 3
change the game so that one has the possibility to attack only with part of a fields dices 2007-06-03 11:47:07.0
by fzx
0 2
my rating should not get reset from 1905 to 1500 wtf!? 2007-05-31 20:57:30.0
by monkeymagic
0 7
Please, fix the Kdice rank button on the profile page. 2007-09-05 05:44:46.0
by Danny_DCB
0 1
More detail in ranking system... llike oint gainers of the day, week, or highst pts etc... or does this existr and i cant find it? 2007-05-31 20:55:46.0
by Lord Vader
0 1
i know a players screen name but cannot add him unless i meet him in a game 2007-05-31 18:13:02.0
by JKD
0 1
Maybe a Truce button then you click on the player you want to truce and they have to accept. Then you can't attack them and that would prevent backstabbing. You could untruce at anytime but other player would also have to accept. 2009-09-06 00:05:42.0
by jsshu
0 3
Check the stacking software. I had a three stack, attacked twice to get three adjoining territories, and then only got one die added to my stacks. (1:08 pm PST, Synth table, SFSam playing as teal) 2007-05-31 15:43:32.0
by sfsam
0 2
The brown player should automatically be deducted 20 points from his end score for being brown 2007-05-31 14:10:08.0
by Tanktunker
0 1
We should be able to selet (by way of mouse click) where each die is placed. 2007-05-30 18:06:17.0
by Sunken
0 5
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary