
Optional table that removes the grading system from the result for people that want to play a 'pure' game
globIII wrote
at 9:02 AM, Monday July 30, 2007 EDT

40 people think this is a good idea

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globIII wrote
at 9:48 AM, Saturday August 4, 2007 EDT
awesome idea, ive read so many debates about the scoring system and always been unsure who was right until now. NO SCORES, just play

I won four games in a row today and second in the last. The feeling that I won those games is way better than the score of 1700 odd that I have now. knowing i won is the best, lets just play each game to win and forget about ranking tables. The only way to make it fair is if there is no incentive to team up.

Spot on
mainebear wrote
at 2:22 PM, Wednesday January 16, 2008 EST
Not just a good idea, a great idea
FlaggersNeverWin wrote
at 9:38 PM, Saturday August 23, 2008 EDT
I am completely for this idea. But it will never be done. It will simply highlight how far kdice has departed from the pure game play and throw it in their faces.
iBiteme wrote
at 10:02 PM, Saturday August 23, 2008 EDT
> Kdice is not meant to be about who finished 2nd.
> All that stuff about brokering for place isn't part of kdice

BS! Provide your evidence to these claims or retract them. Your opionion is not evidence.

Kdice is based on dicewars. Dicewars is based on war. In war brokering happens all the time.
Idly Hummingbird wrote
at 5:14 PM, Wednesday August 27, 2008 EDT
I support this suggestion. The reason is that I expect it will take Ryan virtually no time or effort to implement, because no scoring system means that there is no complex math to work out or code in. So if players who don't want to play in these tables don't have to, there is NO REASON to argue against implementation of these "purist" tables.

KDice will only be better for having given the choice to play this way to the players who want it.
GameIsNowJoke wrote
at 10:59 PM, Thursday September 18, 2008 EDT
Wow! What a slap in the face that would be to the current high scorers. Nice! Just imaging, a competitive game that allowed the best player to win. I would call it pDice, where p stands for pure.
deak wrote
at 12:19 AM, Friday September 19, 2008 EDT
Excellent suggestion. Maybe it will help to reduce some of the pack mentality that it seems many of the highly ranked players that seem to gang up on lower ranked players to get points for their buds.
renelicious wrote
at 11:13 AM, Friday September 19, 2008 EDT
I agree with this, I just want to play the game, I don't care about points at all. (I have never had that many which may be part of it).

Too many people flag early, etc. Or flag and then attack. If it was every man for himself and when the game is over its over and there's no outcome other than winning (in other words no points awarded) it would be more fun.

I enjoy Dice Wars but the AI is just too ridiculous. Playing against others is more fun, if they were playing to win and not playing to score points.
GameIsNowJoke wrote
at 7:54 PM, Saturday September 27, 2008 EDT
I remember the day,
Seems so far away,
When kdice was so fun,
Because the better players usually won,
But now the purpose has very much changed,
And the outcome sometimes even prearranged,
But worse than this - to our shame!,
We no longer even try to win the game!
But rather to get a few points here and there,
by knowing exactly when to pair,
And guarantee someone else the win,
Because you were stretched out way too thin,
So instead of getting the -200 you deserve,
You throw everyone the curve,
And ensure that you yourself get second place,
Even at the expense of those actually in the race,
And since this principle locks everyone in,
Either play this way or be a has-been,
But there is clear solution despite the naysayers,
Remove the text box and don't identify the players!
But alas, we are slaves to the overall scores,
even if it means the "pure players" have no choice but to return to DICEWARS :(
AEG_mossad wrote
at 9:17 PM, Saturday June 26, 2010 EDT
NM: A win would still be recorded as a point: a single point in the win column. So instead of winning +100 or some other rating, you are earning a +1. Your suggestion does not completely eliminating the scoring aspect of the game.
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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