
no need to grafically display dice thrown
probabler wrote
at 5:55 AM, Tuesday November 11, 2014 EST
what is the purpose to display grafically dice thrown by attacker defender?
(bottom of playfield)

(it is so fast it only distrurbes playfield
+ this information is already displayed in text messages downleft so we can use it if need)

« First ‹ Previous Replies 11 - 20 of 21 Next › Last »
probabler wrote
at 11:44 AM, Tuesday May 17, 2016 EDT
must say it:
one and a half year ago i had good idea.
fuzzymcfuzz wrote
at 2:27 PM, Thursday May 19, 2016 EDT
Don't be sorry BDK, probabler is a douche anyway
Sabala wrote
at 7:10 PM, Thursday May 19, 2016 EDT
optional customization would be huge but i accept the fact, that innovations like this must wait till the next decade because the technology just isnt there yet
Sabala wrote
at 7:12 PM, Thursday May 19, 2016 EDT
kdice is improving in such a speed that major hardware and software developers simply cant keep up with it
Sabala wrote
at 7:18 PM, Thursday May 19, 2016 EDT
at Google, there is a dedicated team working on kdice compatibility in chrome, trying to apply cutting edge technology in their browser only to improve this very demanding online game
Sabala wrote
at 7:22 PM, Thursday May 19, 2016 EDT
once put together a list of online sites according to the degree of their impact on the IT industry and social life, well was only 2nd after, so dont be unpatient
Sabala wrote
at 7:29 PM, Thursday May 19, 2016 EDT
and there are some rumors about applying the Tianhe-2 chinese supercomputer to run as a server for, since a significant fraction (millions) of the user community lives in china, their goverment seems to support the idea, but who knows, maybe the owner of the site will order a new and more powerful supercomputer
Sabala wrote
at 7:36 PM, Thursday May 19, 2016 EDT
new hope risen on the horizon for ending world hunger; Bill Gates, Ryan Dewsbury, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett and other successful businessmen founded a civil fund from their millions and are aiming to use it to end world hunger
Sabala wrote
at 7:44 PM, Thursday May 19, 2016 EDT
issues related to have been mentioned several times during the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership negotiations, probably the Europen Union with the USA and Canada are facing tremendous work to put an end to the big questions related to
Sabala wrote
at 7:51 PM, Thursday May 19, 2016 EDT
according to Reuters, is going to be the trigger for the new world wide economic bloom, analysts say that the potential in the site is so huge that they have to confess; predicting the probable outcome just simple exceeds their skills
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary