
no need to grafically display dice thrown
probabler wrote
at 5:55 AM, Tuesday November 11, 2014 EST
what is the purpose to display grafically dice thrown by attacker defender?
(bottom of playfield)

(it is so fast it only distrurbes playfield
+ this information is already displayed in text messages downleft so we can use it if need)

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BigDaddyKane wrote
at 9:58 AM, Tuesday November 11, 2014 EST
I'm guessing to make it seem like you are rolling dice. Since the site is "KDice", it makes sense, otherwise it would just seem like a randomly generated number (which it is). Imagine playing Yatzee online and you don't see dice.
probabler wrote
at 11:19 AM, Tuesday November 11, 2014 EST
i see dice for say 0.3 sec

End Of Topic
jurgen wrote
at 11:32 AM, Tuesday November 11, 2014 EST
It doesn't put any extra burden on the kdice server since the roll info is sent to your client anyway

if something like that disturbes your gameplay I wonder how bad an animated avatar bothers you.

I mean, don't get me wrong, if it really bothers people, maybe ryan could put an option to show/not show them , but it's actually not the first thing I would change first

One thing I think could be useful is a low memory version option (no avatars, medals,roll animations, just the absolute minimum left) so people who experience lag because of their old computers could maybe play lag free
probabler wrote
at 12:07 PM, Tuesday November 11, 2014 EST
if checkbox in settings could be done easy then i ask for it.
its like sounds etc for me <=players decision

i just like plain board
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 12:14 PM, Tuesday November 11, 2014 EST
Some good and not so good ideas/thoughts here.

Removing medals, animated gifs, etc will in no way help lag. It might hurt start up time, but the game won't start until that happens anyway, so moot point.

Jurg is completely right about this being triaged into the bottom 10% of product backlog features/fixes of this site.

Sounds being able to be turned off is the only good suggestion here.

If you can't handle the 300ms of dice rolling in the bottom when you already have enough screen real estate bothers you enough to put this much effort into complaining then I would suggest you spend more energy on finding more noble changes to this game/site.
STJ inc wrote
at 12:26 PM, Tuesday November 11, 2014 EST
When is Ryan going to start giving medals out for kills?
Louis Cypher wrote
at 12:50 AM, Wednesday November 12, 2014 EST
I don't see any dice using kakku's theme from dc-tools.... Problem solved.

@STC: the moment skill becomes a non-semantic issue and thus computable.
probabler wrote
at 8:45 AM, Thursday November 27, 2014 EST
if checkbox in settings could be done easy then I ask for it.

thank you
integral wrote
at 10:28 AM, Thursday November 27, 2014 EST
i agree a checkbox to turn it off would be good. I think Ryan was toying with that idea at some point.
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 2:41 PM, Thursday November 27, 2014 EST
Man, I just re-read my post to you, probabler, I'm rude. Sorry.
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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