
Gurgi wrote
at 10:25 AM, Thursday August 19, 2010 EDT
you can leave spam warnings on a players wall

most players never check their review so it is a waste of time IMO

and ryan did give all mods the ability to post on anyones wall - for that reason

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fcuku wrote
at 9:19 PM, Saturday August 28, 2010 EDT
im so glad you could tell us what wikipedia has to say about ignorance.
fcuku wrote
at 9:20 PM, Saturday August 28, 2010 EDT
Gurgi wrote
at 12:08 PM, Sunday August 29, 2010 EDT
dddy has 3 alts as everyone knows

and this makes it possible for him to have 3 friends on the forums

it is very sad imo
DoubleDogDareYa wrote
at 2:36 PM, Sunday August 29, 2010 EDT
Gurgle... its so sad you don't even know the half of it(literally) ... Team 1, take note... the tool thinks I have only three identities... ROTFF.

Team 2... throw him a bone in a week or so.

You'll never see the real me Gurgle
Troy11 wrote
at 5:36 PM, Sunday August 29, 2010 EDT
dddy stfu
Gurgi wrote
at 9:31 AM, Monday August 30, 2010 EDT
my name is not gurgle

that is another player who even pges me. Shows how much you know
Contador wrote
at 5:10 PM, Monday August 30, 2010 EDT
if you stopped talking so much bullshit on these forums, it could save some bandwidth
Gurgi wrote
at 1:04 PM, Tuesday August 31, 2010 EDT

what is bandwidth and who stops taking and why do you wanna save it
Contador wrote
at 5:59 PM, Tuesday August 31, 2010 EDT
bandwidth = the width of an elastic band

who never stops talking = troy

why does one want to save bandwidth = Recall that the magnetic flux through area A = A*B*cos(x), where B is the magnetic field strength in Teslas and x is the angle between B and A. In order to maximize the magnetic flux under a constant B field, A must be a perfect circle, and x must be 90 degrees, or pi/2 radians, such that A and B are perpendicular to each other. Our elastic band, of fixed circumference, must be in a circle to maximize the magnetic flux through it.
Gurgi wrote
at 11:33 AM, Thursday September 2, 2010 EDT
that makes sense
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