
Stop high level cheating and all Zoid accounts
DoubleDogDareYa wrote
at 8:20 PM, Thursday November 26, 2009 EST
This is a post and not a review. I have placed it here to draw attention to the cheating that occurs at the high levels of k-dice. So if you are like me, you played Risk as a kid (and some of you still are kids). The game was friendly and free from technology. There was that great sense of victory when you got the three cards to turn in and mobilize your forces into a strong position. There was also that not so great feeling when two of your buddies or siblings joined forces to take you down. But that is part of the game and is all good and fair fun.

Fast forward to Ryans created world of K-dice. So Ryan created such an awesome game and a pretty cool community has evolved since. Like all communities, there are those who rise to the top by breaking the rules and playing by their own rules. And without naming people, everyone who is in the know realizes how the top has been ruled in K-dice for over 2 years. This is not speculation by the way. And while I am not here to judge those who attempt to win (and do win) via PGA and AIM, I have a difficult time playing this game with obnoxious and obsessed losers.

I am calling out Zoid. I have played against him and his alternate accounts 100s of times. I have played under my own alts in an effort to see his methods. And after a week or two of doing some investigative work, I know that he and all of his accounts should be permanently banned. I have witnessed his method of cheating. I know that he was banned once for cheating. So Zoid does PGA, like that it news to anybody. In addition to this, Zoid plays several accounts at one time. He uses at least 3 IPs (likely more) AKA proxy cheating. For example, you will be sitting at a table and Zoid will be Blue (under his main) and Teal under one alt. You can figure out the rest. This is the worst form of cheating. Or so I thought it was. So here is why I am pissed. I called him out on cheating in general earlier in the week and we exchanged some words. And then yesterday I called him out on his proxy methods. He got really pissed. Well, low and behold, my main account was disconnected 3 times in one day from K-dice. Each time that I was disconnected, it happened right as I was going to take first or second. Amazingly, I was able to reconnect right after each one of the games had ended. So, Zoid has the ability to interrupt a players connection to K-dice. How, I dont know. Ryan will know though. So some of your will say - it is just a coincidence. And other will say - oh you lagged. Well here is my experience: I am on-line for my work and other stuff at least 4-12 hours every work day for the past 7 years. I have used AT&T service for 3 years and I have had ONLY two disruptions where all of my service goes out. That is it - twice. So yesterday, when my K-dice connection was lost, it only occurred on K-dice. How do I know? I have 2 other computers (with the same IP) that had perfect connections (one to a work site and one to a news site) during this disconnect. So the problem was not with my connection. Also, k-dice was not experiencing problems yesterday during my disconnections. I verified this by asking around. So anyway, one game in which this happened to me, was when I was playing against Dr Zoid (zoid alt) and backside (zoid alt) and toomuchcoffeeguy(TMCG). Bye the way, I was clueless that backside was also zoid at the time. So as it turns out, TMCG was in the lead and I was second. Dr Zoid was clearly in 4th. So he starts claiming that he deserves 1st. He starts claiming that he gave me second. He starts claiming that he could of wrecked people. Well the only way that this could be true is if he were to be backside. Then he starts attacking TMCG) and that is when my disconnection occurred. I ended up being 4th due to the disconnect. Well, I went back to the table after logging back on and I witness the finishing moves. Now backside (if he were not zoid) would have stayed out of everything since he was flagged 2nd. But backside at one point makes a move on TMCG after saying - now I can get you. Whoah. It should be noted that during the game there had been no battle or dispute between TMCG and backside. So out of the blue, backside starts attacking TMCG. Well, that was a MAJOR Zoid screw up. He typed his emotion on the wrong account. The emotion that fit Dr. Zoid came through the backside account. In poker, we call this a tell. And there were many other tells during the game that I will not go into. Tells that confirm that Dr. Zoid is backside. So anyway ban Dr Zoid, Backside, Dr. zoiderberg 69, and all the other BS alts that he cheats with. To prevent him from coming back again, ban his IPs as well. Peace out.

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fcuku wrote
at 6:40 PM, Saturday November 28, 2009 EST
dddy, of course people throw games to zoid, and a lot of people high up on the leaderboard, this is nothing new.

but the fact that you think that zoid has the power to destroy your internet connection... an assumption that stupid discredits any opinion you have
DoubleDogDareYa wrote
at 7:26 PM, Saturday November 28, 2009 EST
So the info below is for those who love running static for zoid. IP attacks are pretty easy if you have somebodies IP. While it is not impossible, its not easy.

"DoS" redirects here. For other uses, see DOS (disambiguation).
DDoS Stacheldraht Attack diagram.

A denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. Although the means to carry out, motives for, and targets of a DoS attack may vary, it generally consists of the concerted efforts of a person or people to prevent an Internet site or service from functioning efficiently or at all, temporarily or indefinitely. Perpetrators of DoS attacks typically target sites or services hosted on high-profile web servers such as banks, credit card payment gateways, and even root nameservers.

One common method of attack involves saturating the target (victim) machine with external communications requests, such that it cannot respond to legitimate traffic, or responds so slowly as to be rendered effectively unavailable. In general terms, DoS attacks are implemented by either forcing the targeted computer(s) to reset, or consuming its resources so that it can no longer provide its intended service or obstructing the communication media between the intended users and the victim so that they can no longer communicate adequately.

Denial-of-service attacks are considered violations of the IAB's Internet proper use policy, and also violate the acceptable use policies of virtually all Internet Service Providers. They also commonly constitute violations of the laws of individual nations.[1]
dr. zoidberg 69 wrote
at 7:29 PM, Saturday November 28, 2009 EST
sounds like youre the one who makes people lag
at 7:33 PM, Saturday November 28, 2009 EST
Unless zoid travels from North America to Europe on a regular basis, backside is not an alt owned by zoid.
DoubleDogDareYa wrote
at 7:34 PM, Saturday November 28, 2009 EST
I expected such a follow up zoidy. But wow, within 3 minutes of my post? Is somebody paranoid? So anyway, I am not smart enough to know the details of the stuff mentioned in the Wikipedia entry that I posted in my last message. But after talking to some people at this site last night regarding the methods of hackers, I was directed to this article.
at 7:35 PM, Saturday November 28, 2009 EST
iesplaydices is owned by Chase, and every time I've checked the IP for that account it has come up with one of Chase's regular IP's.

(and Chase knows I keep an eye on him.......he's my favorite pet project)
at 7:45 PM, Saturday November 28, 2009 EST
Now mind you that I'm not trying to discredit nor accredit your accusations DDDY. I'm simply pointing out that neither of those accounts belong to Zoid. When I originally became a mod my main mission was to clean up the upper tables to the best of my ability. Due to real life circumstances I haven't been able to "watch" a lot of KDice recently (I've actually played a decent amount this month, but that has been my only down/relax time I've had, usually late at night when upper tables aren't running)

Do I think improper play goes on on upper tables? Sure, but no more than what occurs on lower tables with different players/groups. Do I think Zoid is one of the players that may abuse relationships/rules from time-to-time? Possibly, but almost anybody that competes to win a month has things that happen that look suspicious. Ryan is becoming more proactive with ways to discover cheating/favoring, but there is still plenty of work to be done.

I personally think that alternate accounts should be outlawed on this site, but about 250 people would pass out if a rule like this were established. Elimination of alts would take care of 75% of the "cheating" that can occur in the upper echelon of this game. After that it would be simpler to identify who favors who and all us mods would need is a user definable "RC" to put in place against these players. We do not have this ability.......yet. Things will get better in time, but unfortunately right now there isn't a lot that can be done about some of the things that go on here.

DoubleDogDareYa wrote
at 8:10 PM, Saturday November 28, 2009 EST
I appreciate your input Kdicemod. With my post, I never intended on the methods of PGA, PGA via AIM, and proxy to go away or to even be policed further. My bone of contention is with the IP hacking. Cheating is inherent in all civilizations and most communities. And those who can't win by playing by the rules, have to adapt by breaking the rules. These are the cowards of society. But at some point, the extent of their cheating goes beyond the threshold of what people in the community will accept. Revolt always follows such behavior. I left this game once due to the rampant cheating. All of the elements of fun are swept away when it becomes clear that there is no way to win with a rigged system. While mods are there to stop all forms of cheating, I am here to make others aware of the degradation of a game that I love.
dr. zoidberg 69 wrote
at 8:21 PM, Saturday November 28, 2009 EST
hey dddy ur ip is.. 933.9838.3344 right?
CP03 wrote
at 8:59 PM, Saturday November 28, 2009 EST
cheating has been a problem since the start of kdice and no one has bother to do anything about it.
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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