
Integral rnd Montecarlo
leekstep wrote
at 11:44 PM, Saturday June 30, 2007 EDT

Most players have been pissed off lately by PGAs, secret ones that arent coordinated by actions on the board or in the chat box.

There was a group of people who seemed to be doing this the most, whom i call the cabal.

According to integral and montecarlo, The cabal is: cabal: rnd, riser, wishbone, dasfury, montecarlos, vermont, integral, bcmatteagles, x luck x, xcrobin

During my investigation, I met many people interested in taking down the cabal. The cabal would base their gameplay on instant messages. (the game to most people is about working the board and the chat box, deciding the game over a group of people on instant messenger is not part of the game). We even formed an informal team to take down the cabal.

Last month, our team decided that the best anti-PGA, and anti-cabal effort...
...would be helping X LUCK X beat rnd. Rnd had become cocky and everyone in kDice knew he was fixing games with people on IM. They would domfuck and manufacture finishes and make the game unnatural, elongated, and boring.

Our team succeeded in getting X LUCK X first, and I think we sort of taught rnd a lesson.

But then Luck had an elo that was undeserved and too high, and the cabal needed to PGA even more to compete with him. And so it went, IMs and PGAs intensifying (instead of teaching a lesson against PGAs, it only caused more).

This month i was able to infiltrate the cabal by chatting with them, and they started being nice to me. Eventually i was accepted by them and invited to join them in their cheating.

Mikeypoo has also wanted to take down the cabal, and I invited him to witness the cheating of the cabal.

I have attached the log for the first flagfest...
I beleive this is when Integral took first elo (see related news event).

There was a second flagfest (when Integral took first overall there is also a news avent).

Just by reading the public news events, everyone was able to see that Integral was winning his games in the first round or two.

Anyone who bothered to check the news can see that the game is ruled by a farce. A cheater broke the game to win it!

Please note that I'm hoping for immunity for me and Mikeypoo, because our only goal was to take these cheaters down. That's why we were involved, to spy on them.

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JKD wrote
at 9:16 AM, Tuesday July 3, 2007 EDT
yeah, awesome "discussion" aixo...

Newbie question: How do I become a better kdice player?

Answer: Old Trusted Friendships!

I would've quit this game on day one if I knew that attitude was going to gain this much influence at the top tables. I remember a few months ago I wanted to get there, because I heard that's where pga was least tolerated. It sounds like it's so bad now that even Ryan would be at a disadvantage up there.

Summary, shame to everyone who wastes time using kdice as a tool to unfairly inflate their elo and rank, instead of playing it as a game. Can't you all make friends who are competitive gamers instead of exploiters? I play unfairly sometimes because the game design encourages it, but it saddens me when the players encourage it too.
super strut wrote
at 9:47 AM, Tuesday July 3, 2007 EDT
JKD... already in the first days of this game in december last year the first truces are managed and after some games the first friendships leads to the first PGA´s (or OTF´s)!

In a time, when we still had discussions about trucing in general. But Ryan said at that time, that diplomacy is as well a part of this game as anti-diplomacy.

After a few weeks there were the first thoughts about gangs, clans and so on.

I wrote several times here, that I enjoy this game for his possibilities of diplomacy, making strategies with friends and so on.
So long I´m looking out for unspoken truces, it´s naturally to remember some players, with which this worked fine before. I good friends, I with who I never made a officialy truce, even not in the first battle!

It´s not planned, it happen. And I like this - to understand someone, to feel loyality, to help other player. I think that I´m not a unfair player. I respect good players by flagging, I help sometimes weaker players, although when I could kill them easily - with an effort for my game. But I often don´t do it. It´s not my gamestyle, neither my strategy.

And be sure, I play kdice as a game.
Why should I not do so?

I´ve god other goals as you, ok.
But I don´t whine about this.
I accept your style, so you can accept my style?!?
DealOrNoDeal wrote
at 10:10 AM, Tuesday July 3, 2007 EDT
Based on your logic nothing is cheating. it's all a joke and is so funny (e.g. using somebody else password, communicating over other IM etc). The official game rules are very short, so based on that anything goes. however, the people that got to 1000 points by doing god knows what had there points reset. Same goes for bad behavior (avatars, racist remarks), some accounts are gone. Again being nice is never mentioned in the rules. So Ryan do takes action in extreme cases.
montecarlo wrote
at 10:16 AM, Tuesday July 3, 2007 EDT
this is why the month of july will be very interesting to watch. integral and luck and i have all quit, rnd probably as well... and anyone mentioned as a member of the cabal, however distant, will probably be targetted by the canarioz/algios secret police. wide open month. since first will be riser's, i have no clue who will get 3rd after cleo.
DealOrNoDeal wrote
at 10:30 AM, Tuesday July 3, 2007 EDT
let me tell you how much i'll miss you ...
so next time your account is in a game should we assume that is Integral logged in as you?
XicaDaSilva wrote
at 10:41 AM, Tuesday July 3, 2007 EDT
Now that the cabal was exposed let's discuss the punishment.

How about account stats reset (for all previous months) and accounts blocked for a month. Of course, deleting the accounts will work too (whatever is easier for Ryan) :)
super strut wrote
at 11:02 AM, Tuesday July 3, 2007 EDT
the self appointed, silly kdice-police is back!

O M G !!!

ryan... help us and delete their accounts plz!

integral wrote
at 11:09 AM, Tuesday July 3, 2007 EDT
I think we should take away internet access from the people in the cabal.

I mean if they could do this on kdice, can you imagine the havoc they would cause in other games?

evilsamurai wrote
at 11:25 AM, Tuesday July 3, 2007 EDT
It is quite interesting that the same players that emphasize the social nature of this game, fail to understand how others players might react. Reminds me of people with asperger. And of course - there is no reason not to refer to these players as sluts - is there? Open dedicated slut tables where they can throw their little slut feasts with their own little slut scores and slut rankings. Slut no. 1 etc (would that be integral or montecarlo?).
super strut wrote
at 11:27 AM, Tuesday July 3, 2007 EDT
dude... we´ve got our own tables... they are called 2k-tables!
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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