
Integral rnd Montecarlo
leekstep wrote
at 11:44 PM, Saturday June 30, 2007 EDT

Most players have been pissed off lately by PGAs, secret ones that arent coordinated by actions on the board or in the chat box.

There was a group of people who seemed to be doing this the most, whom i call the cabal.

According to integral and montecarlo, The cabal is: cabal: rnd, riser, wishbone, dasfury, montecarlos, vermont, integral, bcmatteagles, x luck x, xcrobin

During my investigation, I met many people interested in taking down the cabal. The cabal would base their gameplay on instant messages. (the game to most people is about working the board and the chat box, deciding the game over a group of people on instant messenger is not part of the game). We even formed an informal team to take down the cabal.

Last month, our team decided that the best anti-PGA, and anti-cabal effort...
...would be helping X LUCK X beat rnd. Rnd had become cocky and everyone in kDice knew he was fixing games with people on IM. They would domfuck and manufacture finishes and make the game unnatural, elongated, and boring.

Our team succeeded in getting X LUCK X first, and I think we sort of taught rnd a lesson.

But then Luck had an elo that was undeserved and too high, and the cabal needed to PGA even more to compete with him. And so it went, IMs and PGAs intensifying (instead of teaching a lesson against PGAs, it only caused more).

This month i was able to infiltrate the cabal by chatting with them, and they started being nice to me. Eventually i was accepted by them and invited to join them in their cheating.

Mikeypoo has also wanted to take down the cabal, and I invited him to witness the cheating of the cabal.

I have attached the log for the first flagfest...
I beleive this is when Integral took first elo (see related news event).

There was a second flagfest (when Integral took first overall there is also a news avent).

Just by reading the public news events, everyone was able to see that Integral was winning his games in the first round or two.

Anyone who bothered to check the news can see that the game is ruled by a farce. A cheater broke the game to win it!

Please note that I'm hoping for immunity for me and Mikeypoo, because our only goal was to take these cheaters down. That's why we were involved, to spy on them.

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XicaDaSilva wrote
at 11:35 PM, Sunday July 8, 2007 EDT
Banning IPs is not that effective.
Their account stats should have been deleted/reset to 1500, medals gone :)

Also, Ryan should announce these punishments so people can take note.
CoMik wrote
at 12:05 AM, Monday July 9, 2007 EDT
you presume to tell ryan what to do? What right do you have, did you get your diva by vote, or crown yourself? Wicked > Xica
XCBatman wrote
at 12:16 AM, Monday July 9, 2007 EDT
Long live Queen Wicked!
super strut wrote
at 3:22 AM, Monday July 9, 2007 EDT
What about banning XICA, just from this thread?
integral wrote
at 8:00 AM, Monday July 9, 2007 EDT
you guys make it sound like they got banned for pga. when in fact they got banned for goofing around, as usual.

and I agree with strut, xica needs to be banned from this thread.
integral wrote
at 8:14 AM, Monday July 9, 2007 EDT
Also since when was misery dasfury? no one in the cabal makes alts without my approval.

misery is not dasfury.
dasfury wrote
at 8:27 AM, Monday July 9, 2007 EDT
Leek, I am not Misery. I had a far more lively weekend than PGAing BCM to drop your pos one spot in a game of kdice. I fear you kdetective skills are fading.

"Just now BCM and riser were working with Dasfury"...........Like int, I must protest the unnecessary capatalization of my sn.

FemmeFatale wrote
at 12:15 PM, Monday July 9, 2007 EDT
Wow. Just Wow.
bcmatteagles wrote
at 4:23 PM, Monday July 9, 2007 EDT
One other thing, my work IP IS banned so i can't play at work anymore lol, guess it was an IP based ban.
montecarlo wrote
at 11:17 AM, Tuesday July 10, 2007 EDT
can i have my work IP banned until october? that would encourage actual productivity.
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