
The Future & Point Whores
Posted By: Ryan at 10:01 PM, Thursday July 24, 2008 EDT
I'm at a point where I'm rethinking quite a few things about the structure and future of the games. I want to get feedback about the future of this game from the people who love this game as much as I do.

First of all I'd like to let all the point whores know that since they don't respect the game, I don't respect their opinion for this question. Accumulating points is meant to be secondary with the fun of the game of primary importance - and the majority of everyone has it right.

So, let me know your thoughts and ideas. I'd like to hear big long term vision ideas and not features like mouse-over-display or game playback (although these are great featuers). If you were to forget everything about kdice except the in-game experience how would build big and great things around it?

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Beer Me! wrote
at 1:14 PM, Saturday July 26, 2008 EDT
lesplaydices wrote
at 1:18 PM, Saturday July 26, 2008 EDT
Come on Ryan I know I said it in the douchiest way possible but weekly competition would be so rad.

Making the trophies mean less, by having four awarded in the same month, would reduce the number of "point whores" I think. The trophies wouldn't mean so much but the competition would still be in tact.

Also, the actual game would improve significantly. Since each game would mean a lot more within the shortened time frame people would strive to place as high as they can in a given game instead of settling for a position.

I think the game cap would have to be added because some lunatics play 100 games a day and it's kind of hard to compete with that.

Another way to improve gameplay would be to add smaller maps. 27 and 29 territory maps, which are always reserved for the 0 tables for some odd reason, take a lot more strategy then say the "connect and hope for the best," strategy that 35+ territory maps involve.

I am pretty sure I am not a point whore so please acknowledge my ideas even if you think they are shitty (uh, they aren't).
Ryan wrote
at 3:50 PM, Saturday July 26, 2008 EDT
les, go to page 41-50 and do a search for "thanks les"
sluthead wrote
at 3:51 PM, Saturday July 26, 2008 EDT
okay my idea is really extreme and probably improbable. But i think it would be interesting to involve clan tags. or at least try it out, im sure the coding would be easy. There could be two ways of making the clan tags work.

first off you could have the clan tags like xbox live or ps networks, where they are just open, you can type in whatever you want and honor it or not.

or you could make the clans more private, maybe only members could start clans, or anyone could start them. and you would have too request to join. in this option i think it would be cool if only 10 or 15 could join a clan, and only 2 or 3 could sit at a table together, of course you could still sit alone at a table with clan members in it but it would be out in the open, so you could have a choice.

I believe the latter of the two is the superior way of doing it. I think it would eliminate the pga problem. or at least us with no powerful friends, would be able to have a group.

pps, clan is a bad word i guess, wouldnt want to offend travis if he comes back any time soon... idk armies?
Elisheva wrote
at 12:18 AM, Sunday July 27, 2008 EDT
I'm sure it's not a new notion, but symmetric boards with even numbers of players designed for team based games. It might help in cutting down some of the PGA crap as well since it would give an option for playing cooperatively with friends.
Beer Me! wrote
at 1:48 AM, Sunday July 27, 2008 EDT
Ryan saw an example of "POWs" (without the "O") at the King of the Dice map where the lead player kept the last place player, and then gave that player second place. The leader player did not respect flags, ignore the concept of flagging. It was a kdice game gone wrong. Totally about PGAs and points, and nothing about playing the game.

jurgen wrote
at 5:19 AM, Sunday July 27, 2008 EDT
OK, once again I noticed a great post way to late. But first of all, it's great to see that feedback from the community is always appreciated. I think this will stay the key to the success of kdice. Of course Ryan you have to make the final decisions about what direction you want kdice to go to but please keep listening to the voices of the kdicers that love your game.

Meanwhile some great posts were made already, I particularily like Sarahplaying's post and I must thank wicked! for posting her insights cuz she saved me like 20 minutes of typing similar stuff (so all credit goes to her of course for that contribution)

The bottom line is, kdice is already great now. Even without changes it will survive for many years to come. I had a civilization and warcraft addiction before but the kdice addiction is in a completely different hard drug type of league.

Now, to the point,I will just focus on a few things.

*Kdice look: it could be improved a bit but it doesn't need to be too drastic or too flashy changes because the board setup needs to stay easy to read (I like chess but I hate those animated 3d versions that just distract you)

*Forum look: forum is a great and fun part of the kdice world but I think everybody will agree i can use some extra features. I think you would be surprised of the huge positive impact on the popularity of the forum some changes would make.

*Leaderboard and stats: in short: more more more! and after that even more stats. I love stats. just a few things I can think of right away: win% and luck% for every table limit; ppg stuff; a more interesting luck% then only the average luck% would be an extra luck% calculation as well for round 1 +round 2 luck%. I will come to this later but many of the achievements others and myself proposed in your thread about medals for achievements ( could be added to the stat profile page without even giving medals for them (just the numbers or % itself). For the evolution of your monthly score (and 1-7 placings %), it could be interesting to display your curve of the previous (and your best month ever!!!)month in a different month (so work with 3 different colours)

*Keep people motivated to play. I don't really play for points but I love(d) the goal of winning a medal. But 5th or 24th doesn't really matter to me so I usually lose interest once the medal i want seems secure and stop playing. Lately i find myself less motivated to go for that medal... it's a bit the same every month and after 5 or 6 blue medals that next one just doesn't sound that important any more. So I would love a few extra kdice version or leagues to stop thinking about the monthly competition for a month or two . The current version should always stay the main place to play but again, still, a few variations might increase the popularity of kdice.

* Extra medals for certain achievements would be a great addition for kdice so people please make your contribution here: Instead of only going for the monthly ranking medal, players could also try to collect these once in a lifetime medals. you could also award 1-4 points for every single medal depending on the difficulty and make an extra overall achievement medal that sums all those points (gold for 50 points; silver for 30; get the point). I am willing to bet 100.000 of my career points that these achievement medals would increase the success and the fun of kdice drastically. These new extra goals might reduce the urge for point whoring for some players.

RC: good thing, keep it but finetune it. first offence: 1 week RC ban with that player; 2nd time 3 weeks; 3rd time 6 weeks. Don't know if is like that already but please use a smaller weight for data from lower table levels to reduce the risk of people losing a few 100/500 games to reduce their RC value.

* tournaments: typed too much already so I will make it short: We neeeeeed them! In my opinion, tournaments + achievements medals are the two vital factors to transform kdice into an online strategy game that could appeal to a community 5-10 times larger than it is now. The tournament idea should get a seperate thread like the one for the achievements.

* personal advertisement: I posted on a few websites now. More people should do this. I told many of my friends about kdice, some play kdice now. Another idea to make kdice community grow maybe? A friend referral achievement trophee (5/10/25/100 players recruited to kdice). To avoid cheating (omg I bet people would go so low as to create alts to get a fake medal) recruits only count after 100 games played.

* ONE LAST BUT IMPORTANT THING: JUDGES on the 2500/10k tables! RC is good, social control and self-regulation is good but pga/cheating will always exist. I really like the warning system on xsketch Ryan. I think something similar should be possible on the kdice tables although the playing people probably shouldn't be able to interfere. I was thinking more about the watchers. You sometimes have 10+ watchers. What if they could "sit in" as judge and when the game starts a randomly chosen 50% of them (3 minimum) can warn a player or a suspected team for strange behaviour. Warnings stay unseen to the others unless all of them (or 80% if more than 5 judges) give the same warning. This could induce an autoflag.

Of course, by the time I am typing this, a person wanting to cheat has probably already figured out plenty of interesting aspects of this to exploit the judge feature....big sigh! However, i still see potential for it. good safety measures: minimum number of points to sit in as judge; checking for close to be banned RC buddies between judges/players; checking wether no two accounts playing/judging ever played from same IP.

This judging thing could also be useful in the final stages of a tournament. A group of judges could be screened and appointed by Ryan beforehand (judge logo: new group similar to the advisors). All judges present could "sit in" as judge and referee the final stages of the tournament (80% votes to trigger the disqualification might be too high maybe)

OK, I bet this post proves that I love kdice and that I am not a point whore, hmmmm.... ok I might be a post whore.

jurgen wrote
at 5:36 AM, Sunday July 27, 2008 EDT
Damn, I made some long sentences and some confusing mistakes that made my long post even less interesting to read. Sorry and please bear in mind that english is only my third language.

so now I will personally award an achievement medal for anyone that can prove he/she read my entire post ;-)
jurgen wrote
at 7:42 AM, Sunday July 27, 2008 EDT
Ryan, just a suggestion to help you fix your 20 different colours problem for the colourblind. your CTRL + option has been a very usefull command to check for hidden connects. Couldn't you make a similar command that replaces the map with only the borders and the seat number (red=1; green=2;...) of the owner in each land

Using that all the time still would help but the colourblind still would have a disadvantage so another "real-time so better playable" suggestion. A checkbox in the preferences to add a small number (seat 1 to 7) next to the stack in each land. If that still isn't visible enough, maybe an option to replace colours by patterns (7 obvious ones: horizontal;vertical;diagonal lines;dots;dark fill; light fill;crossing lines)
.crack wrote
at 8:26 AM, Sunday July 27, 2008 EDT
I think calling a portion of your community whores is not a good start. If people can take advantage of the rules of the game, then it is the game that is flawed, not the players gaining an advantage.
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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