
Color Choice: Psychological & Strategic Implications
119Legend wrote
at 2:33 PM, Sunday July 6, 2008 EDT
fuck you muthafucka

41 people think this is a good idea

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Ampyxx wrote
at 9:36 PM, Wednesday December 9, 2009 EST
another caveat: Don't pick blue on holy days. Always pick brown every third Sunday of the month for every game.
kungfuanda wrote
at 9:12 PM, Tuesday February 9, 2010 EST
I prefer being purple and will mostly try to pick that, but green is ok too. I just feel like those colours stand out better and it's easier for me to focus on them. plus, the shade of yellow I'm seeing on my screen is just plain ugly :D
megaprosper wrote
at 5:45 AM, Thursday March 11, 2010 EST
I dont care about the fucking colors
blondes_win wrote
at 1:37 AM, Friday March 19, 2010 EDT
I love purple and yellow! They are the too happiest!
TheBetterYodel wrote
at 2:04 AM, Friday March 19, 2010 EDT
Typically I let the smell of my flatulence dictate what color I'm going to sit.
Troy11 wrote
at 12:31 PM, Friday March 19, 2010 EDT
green, maybe orange
ShiVva wrote
at 3:35 PM, Friday March 19, 2010 EDT
I PGE Purp and Teal...they always try to reek havoc on me.
bluff or not? wrote
at 5:19 PM, Friday March 19, 2010 EDT
i try to get blue brown or teal
Ambition wrote
at 6:17 PM, Tuesday July 13, 2010 EDT
What ever color victory is
EInegro wrote
at 5:51 AM, Monday July 26, 2010 EDT
we should have white and black colours
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