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As you wish -chat -post Bone-Roller 4:33 PM, Thursday September 2, 2010 EDT
Hate-Speech and Hypocrisy warning posted. +chat +post Bone-Roller 3:42 PM, Thursday September 2, 2010 EDT
Accusing people of racism without any justification is a serious offense. Especially when you are being somewhat racist yourself in the same review: "disgusting racist. player like this should be banned. kill this idiot asap if you want a nice game. a typical american. no culture and no brain but a big mouth." Be warned, this behavior will not be tolerated. -chat -post Bone-Roller 3:42 PM, Thursday September 2, 2010 EDT

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Racism is a serious issue, please don't blame so on others because of a game. Its a game buddy, dont let you dark side come out. Whatever may have made you angry even if it was my fault that I killed you or backstabbed you (which I dont ever remember doing).
mkarki on Thursday August 26, 2010
typical islemonkey
Tommy Simpson on Tuesday August 24, 2010
PLEASE POST REAL CHAT EXCERPTS FROM CINZANO OR REAL REVIEWS LEFT BY CINZANO; WITHOUT MEANING TO BE, HE IS FUNNY----------The question remains: Is cinzano (1) too stupid to understand or (2) just a typical web boy asshole? At this point, (1) AND (2) seems most likely. Web boy cinzano changed his "review" of me on 7-27-2010 to the following 4th-grade level text: "my god. this gay must have serious problems with his life. the dumbest player ever. and doesnt respect flags. backstabbing piece of shit."----------[The following is my review of cinzano from before 7-30-2010]----------Here is web boy cinzano's fifth-grade level reply to my lengthy review: "player like this are so disguting. he flags and crys for respect and attacked other player who flagged him. funny gay. try to get some brain. noob" He still can't get past two details. He is referring to the fact that I flagged to red, red attacked me, I typed 'FLAG RED' so that red would see it NOT because it worries me much when flags are not honored--about 1 in 20 flags are not honored and that is fine. I figured red had just missed it because there was a lot of chat; I was right because red immediately said 'Sorry' and never attacked me again. Later, I was in 2nd, I told cinzano exactly what I was going to do before I did it, and I took ONE territory from cinzano (who was purple and in 4th) in order to fight green (who was 3rd) for 2nd. I TOLD cinzano that I would quit if I lost. cinzano gets stuck on that ONE territory and can't get past it EVEN though I quit and took 4th place to PROVE my good intentions. Cinzano either (1) is too dumb to understand (likely) or (2) is pretending not to understand because he is an asshole.----------[Next is my original post.]----------Okay, from the reviews I see that you really are dumb or really are an asshole. Still, for the record.... I was brown, cinzano was purple, red had 1st place all set for a long time and was waiting patiently, green was a close 3rd behind me, I was in 2nd, cinzano was in 4th but only half the territories of green (and green had fewer than I). Rather than kill off cinzano in 4th, I made the very kind gesture of offering to fight green for 2nd and QUIT if I lost. Since green was about to kill him, I took ONE territory in order to fight against green. Cinzano is either (1) too dumb to understand my kind gesture or (2) pretended not to understand so that he could "go off" on me. If he was pretending, he is an asshole; if he didn't understand, he is just dumb. GREEN would be the only one with a complaint; he understood what was going on and flagged for 3rd. I had already flagged for 2nd, but I sat out in order to take 4th. Cinzano STILL pretended to (or really did not?!) understand and kept berating me and calling me names and questioning my motives. Cinzano PROVED he is an asshole or is REALLY dumb. Those are the only two possibilities. Cinzano got 2nd and still complained, whined, and called names. I think cinzano is just a web boy--about 13 years old and finding the freedom of the Internet too much for him.
oakcliff on Tuesday August 24, 2010
suicide attacks like a noob. just tries to ruin other people's games. Not an intelligent player
bobbidothechef on Friday August 20, 2010
polishg69 on Tuesday August 17, 2010
funny GAY talks crap about people not knowing how to play when he has never got over 1.1k points and has been playing for like 12 months haha
guess whoz alt on Sunday August 15, 2010
Idiot player.
AYBG on Sunday August 15, 2010
Every single review is true. May have mental issues.
FolkDeyr on Friday August 13, 2010
a quote if I may.... not to me, but a fellow player to which cinzano just lost a 4v2 attack cinzano: shut up poor brown asshole. hope you and your family die soon, painful and slow at a car accident...fucking idiot
t1n on Thursday August 12, 2010
the claim that i have anywhere, ever made racist or antisemitic jokes is utter nonsense. I don't even remember playing "cinzano", but he must be a real ass.
timquick on Wednesday August 11, 2010
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