Level 45
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roque ja: flag brown DeanVenture: so I get first? DeanVenture: :( roque ja: ? roque ja: its not sure that u get 1st Venture attacks roque DeanVenture: now it is DeanVenture: if you can't give i can take it roque ja: why u attacked me? DeanVenture: not here to LET YOU WIN roque ja: i flagged u brown! DeanVenture: I asked did that mean you are gonna give me first DeanVenture: either we work together or against roque ja: that means i give u abetter place then me roque ja: u dont know what a flag is? DeanVenture: and I had nowhere else to go at the time DeanVenture: do you? DeanVenture: flag doesn't mean give you first roque ja: sure DeanVenture: I have the upper hand DeanVenture: you had no way to defeat me DeanVenture: so either you give me a big concession, or not at all roque ja: u talk weired stuff
roque ja on Tuesday July 13, 2010
Knows how to play and how to win with class.
Improv42 on Monday July 12, 2010
fair player
gga on Tuesday July 6, 2010
Careful. Does not respect flags.
binarybits on Tuesday July 6, 2010
PGA player
Bunuutuut on Monday July 5, 2010
vflagged and then attacked at the end. Be careful.
Mirabilis on Sunday July 4, 2010
so I guess you were having a bad game and went crazy disrespecting flags... np, we all have bad games.
scarp8 on Sunday July 4, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary