Level 48
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Hello Miguel, I believe you left a comment on my page. I feel this is unwarranted as you are clearly the one in the wrong. You tried to stab me in a tourney and it failed so you are now mad. If you accept a flag then you can't just disrespect it. Honestly I get that you may be a bit mentally unstable so I will only leave this mild comment on your review page. You literally cannot dictate the board when you feel like. This game is slightly more complicated than that. I get you may have wanted to connect but taking 5 out of my 6 lands to do it would have made me massively compromised. I believe you may want to rethink your tactics and how you talk to people. Swearing at people constantly really isn't the way to act. Thanks, Oliversdad
Oliversdad on Tuesday August 1, 2017
Backstab a in tournaments. Throws little fits when everyone counters his side and he loses.
SOCRATES SLB on Saturday July 22, 2017
completely retarded
nihonjinnaraba on Saturday July 22, 2017
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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