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troll -changeAvatar -chat -play -post -avatar jurgen 4:22 PM, Thursday October 2, 2014 EDT

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2013-01-29 Atco is a Level 11 chat jerk. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. Atco is brown, I am yellow. ++++++++++ SGT CHERRY: purps working with green ---------- Atco: idk if they're pga, they might just be idiots ########## ---------- SGT CHERRY: probably ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game... ---------- 3.14159: different people are trying for different things ---------- SGT CHERRY: probably ---------- Atco: good job entirely missing the point ########## ---------- SGT CHERRY: what luck ---------- 3.14159: i was trying to let you down easy, Atco ---------- 3.14159: you are a fool to try to characterize anyone's moves--is that clear enough? ---------- Atco: by calling them idiots I'm characterizing their moves ---------- Atco: you sure are a pompous jackass for no reason ---------- Atco: I bet you're a hit with the ladies, a joy to have at parties, etc. ########## [Note: Atco thinks this will cut me to the quick? Really? Cool. Also, Atco phrases it oddly: "a joy to have at parties." Could it be that Atco never gets invited to parties and is projecting his own angst? Probably.] ---------- 3.14159: that you don't think so just reinforces the fact that you are a chat jerk and a fool, Atco ---------- SGT CHERRY: flag yell ---------- SGT CHERRY: gg ---------- Atco: I'm not a chat jerk, bro ---------- Atco: whatever that retarded phrase means ########## [Note: Atco is saying, "I am not that thing that I have no idea what it is."] ---------- 3.14159: yes, on the face of it ---------- Atco: you're the one being an aggressive dick ---------- 3.14159: calling anyone an idiot is being a chat jerk ---------- Atco: OH NO I CALLED SOMEONE AN IDIOT ########## [Note: Oooooh. Atco is upset. Good.] ---------- Atco: get the fuck over it ########## [Note: Atco am mad, too. Good. Chat jerks HATE being called out for being chat jerks.] ---------- 3.14159: i was never under it ---------- 3.14159: i'm glad you are mad, though ---------- 3.14159: you are the garbage, Atco... ---------- Atco: I'm not mad whatsoever ########## [Note: Now Atco is embarrassed by his overreaction; he knows he lost it and can't stand that he did.] ---------- 3.14159: i am the garbage man ---------- Atco: lmao ---------- Atco: like I said, I bet you're a real popular person irl ---------- 3.14159: the garbage man (me) doesn't get mad at the garbage (you) ---------- 3.14159: all you chat jerks try that tack ---------- Atco: because it's true ---------- Atco: you're a gigantic faggot and no one likes you ########## ########## [Note: The chat jerks favorite epithet is anything related to "gay" or "faggot" or "homosexual." It is hilariously predictable.] ---------- 3.14159: faggot! you lose the chat game ---------- Atco: who cares ########## [Note: Um, Atco does? Why else is he chatting with me AND getting so mad about it? If he truly didn't care he would be silent.] ---------- Atco: stop crying and play the game ---------- 3.14159: YOU do ---------- Atco: you clearly do otherwise you wouldn't be going on this crybaby rampage ########## [Note: Rampage? Atco must not know what a rampage is.] ---------- SGT CHERRY: yell can i cross to the north ---------- 3.14159: of course, blue, if you flagged to me ---------- 3.14159: did i miss it? ---------- Atco: I'm looking forward to your autistic analysis of this conversation in my reviews later you fat sperg ########## [Note: "Autistic"! "Sperg"/asperger! Another from the chat jerk vocabulary list. They LOVE anything autism related. Chat jerks have no real defense of their actions so they resort to name-calling, the most infantile form of argument or discussion.] ---------- SGT CHERRY: i did flag u ---------- 3.14159: thanks blue ---------- Atco: gg ---------- 3.14159: gg all but Atco ---------- SGT CHERRY: gg ---------- Atco has left ---------- 3.14159: Atco will HATE reading his own words in my review of him ---------- 3.14159: chat jerks HATE being called out for their bad behavior ---------- SGT CHERRY: true
3.14159 on Tuesday January 29, 2013
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