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Reviews 1 - 9 of 9

total asshole
3lefant on Thursday May 10, 2012
fucking player ignore flags backstabber!!
Kywano on Wednesday May 9, 2012
ignored flags, bad player
hank hooker on Wednesday May 9, 2012
trucer, truced, do not belive him
Kyrsek on Tuesday May 8, 2012
fucker that do not respect flags!!
bobktos on Sunday May 6, 2012
idiot and bad player
valik1989 on Tuesday April 24, 2012
2012-04-17 brandencrusher and BrandoBeast are a pair of web boys and chat jerks. All chat below is verbatim as always. ++++++++++ brandencrusher: although rolling dice is not my specialty chirping sluts is ---------- 3.14159: is 'chirping' here a verb or a gerund? ---------- French Power: verb mister pi ---------- brandencrusher: its what i am going to shove up your fucking ass ########## [Note: brandencrusher shows off his wit and wisdom.] ---------- 3.14159: ah, green is just another chat jerk/web boy ---------- brandencrusher: fuck you ########## ---------- 3.14159: see? ---------- BrandoBeast: fuck you teal ########## [Note: brandencrusher's sycophant, BrandoBeast, shows off his sniveling powers of imitation. Imitating whom, you ask? His lord and master, brandencrusher.] ---------- brandencrusher: no one likes you here ---------- darkfry: hey now, he sends me nude pics, hes the cutest one here ---------- 3.14159: ah, a pair ---------- brandencrusher: fuck you teal ########## ---------- 3.14159: a pair o' chat jerks/web boys ---------- French Power: hahahahahahahaa ---------- 3.14159: how low can they go? ---------- French Power: im loooosing iti ---------- brandencrusher: depends how black your skin is ---------- BrandoBeast: no, a big ol gang bang queer ########## ---------- darkfry: wow, stephen wins the limbo ---------- 3.14159: oh, my -- so controversial in a juvenile sort fo way ---------- rachelmarie: you guys are all terrible ---------- French Power: teal sounds educated ---------- @mairimaceachern: rachel i am praying for you! ---------- darkfry: stop that ---------- 3.14159: no, i am an idiot--but compared to green and yellow i am a genius ---------- brandencrusher: jesus only works for emma graham ---------- brandencrusher: nooooooooooooooooooooo ---------- rachelmarie: get green. ---------- 3.14159: get yellow you mean? ---------- BrandoBeast: o yea? ---------- brandencrusher: xavier keep me alive longer then this jew ########## ---------- 3.14159: oh, so controversial green--wow, you are so 'internet brave' ---------- French Power: haha sorry man i have a hard time knowing who's who but okay yes don't screw me though ---------- brandencrusher: i wont i just dont want t die ---------- brandencrusher: kill brwn ---------- rachelmarie: NO ---------- 3.14159: yellow will do what green tells him to do ---------- BLACKOUTZED: take out brownn ---------- 3.14159: green is the master ---------- brandencrusher: down with the brown ---------- brandencrusher: down with the brown ---------- rachelmarie: get teal first im not a threat!!! ---------- BrandoBeast: you are the master teal rachelmarie: fuck off steve :( ########## ---------- BrandoBeast: no one is a threat ---------- French Power: stephen you're growing i feel like you'll have to take me over at some point, so i might have to betray you ---------- brandencrusher: no man ---------- brandencrusher: i promsie i flag you ---------- French Power: haha okay man ---------- 3.14159: a promsie is a promsie ---------- BrandoBeast: great move teal ---------- 3.14159: did you like it, yellow? ---------- 3.14159: that means a lot coming from the likes of you ---------- 3.14159: a chat jerk/web boy 2nd class ---------- 3.14159: green is 1st class ---------- brandencrusher: your a fucking loser ########## ---------- brandencrusher: you are up at 12 18 alone ---------- 3.14159: see? ---------- brandencrusher: playing dice wars ---------- brandencrusher: FUCK YOU! ########## ---------- BrandoBeast: hahaha yea, such a fag ########## ---------- Sleviin Kelevra: HAhah ---------- 3.14159: green is so typical of the type ---------- 3.14159: it is hilarious ---------- 3.14159: green is just another of the rats and cockroaches we get on kdice ---------- 3.14159: they are about 3% of the population ---------- rachelmarie: teal im voting for you ---------- darkfry: hey, man, haven't the whites suffered enough? ---------- rachelmarie: if it worked like tthat .... you got this! ---------- 3.14159: yellow WANTS to be green when he grows up ---------- brandencrusher: nice burns man ---------- Sleviin Kelevra: FUCK TEAL ########## ---------- BrandoBeast: 3%? doing the math now eh? ---------- brandencrusher: a rat ---------- brandencrusher: seriously ---------- brandencrusher: that hurts ---------- rachelmarie: i could see it ---------- 3.14159: these guys are all attending the same high school... ---------- 3.14159: and they can't handle the anonymity of the internet ---------- brandencrusher: ya man we are ---------- French Power: steve i hate you I'm just defending you right now ---------- brandencrusher: it is called k dice academy ---------- BrandoBeast: university lololololololol ---------- darkfry: you know me, high school student extrodinaire ---------- French Power: you're not getting any action ---------- 3.14159: check their reviews later to see verbatim chat ---------- rachelmarie: kill steve seriously hes been there too long ---------- Sleviin Kelevra: i want a nice juicey penis right now ########## ---------- French Power: steve i have to fuck you up man ########## ---------- brandencrusher: i will get in on the action if you want ---------- @mairimaceachern: dooo it egg do it ---------- Sleviin Kelevra: pie i want you to rip me a new asshole ########## ---------- French Power: thats better ---------- brandencrusher: i will start working it ---------- 3.14159: oh, my--so devastatingly crude! ---------- 3.14159: but try harder ---------- Sleviin Kelevra: i bet you think you are pretty tough on kdice dont you ---------- Sleviin Kelevra: but you are just a fat insecure loser in your mothers basement ---------- brandencrusher: stand strong xavier! ---------- French Power: im kinda chubby too ---------- 3.14159: all of these guys will HATE reading their own words in their reviews--HATE it ---------- Sleviin Kelevra: the only exercise you get is when you masterbate ########## ---------- 3.14159: masturbate you mean? ---------- BrandoBeast: who wants to flag my ass hole? ########## ---------- darkfry: On a scale of one to rage, how do you feel pi? ---------- 3.14159: or is that something different? ---------- 3.14159: half-educated web boys--jeez ---------- French Power: STEVE HELP ME ---------- 3.14159: better say quarter-educated ---------- brandencrusher: i ma trying ---------- French Power: we're decently educated also ---------- French Power: brandon screw teal over haha ---------- 3.14159: well, you guys DO make me look like a genius, i'll give you that ---------- BrandoBeast: half educated? are you implying you are a grown man with a job? ---------- 3.14159: try harder, yellow, you are flailing ---------- French Power: steve did you screw me!?! ---------- Sleviin Kelevra: HAHAHAHAHA ---------- BLACKOUTZED: yes he did frenchy ---------- 3.14159: gg all but green (and poor, poor yellow) ---------- French Power: fuck you steve! ########## ---------- French Power: you're such a little bitch ########## ---------- French Power: thanks brandon ---------- brandencrusher: man you lsot ---------- brandencrusher: fuck you ###########
3.14159 on Thursday April 19, 2012
very bad player, rude, unpolite....
so what on Tuesday April 17, 2012
PGA with brandencrusher. They didn't even bother trying to disguise it. Luckily they lost
evil_inside on Saturday April 14, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary