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please don't have inappropriate language in your avatar -avatar Hero Of Time 7:38 PM, Monday October 24, 2011 EDT

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cheater. do not accept a flag from him.
FoxT on Tuesday October 25, 2011
2011-10-24 EInegro, burgertime, and yohann2008ds make up a pretty slimy bunch. Truces on the 0 tables are rare for a good reason, but that didn't stop EInegro and burgertime, as you will see below, Dear Readers. Worst of all, though, was yohann2008ds--he actually flagged to me (see below) and then "misclicked" his attacks on me many times. Dishonorable as he is for not honoring his own flag to me, his dishonor reaches what for yohann2008ds is his nirvana: he gets to lie about not accepting the flag in a weaselly fashion. Oh, it gives yohann2008ds such a tingly thrill up his spine to do that! The anonymity of the Internet is a drug to yohann2008ds and he can't get enough of acting like a child who is pleased with his own petty bad behavior and then his lie to reinforce it--the little tingle it gives him makes it hard for him to stop (even in real life). EInegro was green, burgertime was brown, yohann2008ds was red, I was yellow. Chat is verbatim as always. ++++++++++ [Note: I had a small lead over EInegro on my north end and a large lead over burgertime on my east end, but I was in the middle. Truce or not, they were both going to be attacking me. yohann2008ds's attacks were only a surprise once since his misclick explanation is what all the little web boys say to get a bigger thrill out of their bad behavior.] ---------- EInegro: burger ---------- EInegro: lets fuck yellow up ? :d ########## ---------- burgertime: yes lets ---------- 3.14159: d'uh ---------- EInegro: fuck my rolls ---------- 3.14159: i'm in the middle--your 0 table truce is relatively rare, though ---------- yohann2008ds: flag yellow ########## [Note: yohann2008ds flags to me.] ---------- 3.14159: thanks red ---------- EInegro: this is hard to calculate how many attacks you got with 4stacks.. ---------- 3.14159: red, didn't you flag to me? [Note: Said after his first attack on me.] ---------- yohann2008ds: missclick ########## [Note: The lie that tingles yohann2008ds's spine.] ---------- 3.14159: i doubt it ---------- 3.14159: another misclick? [Note: After the next attack by yohann2008ds.] ---------- yohann2008ds: yes excuse me ---------- 3.14159: dishonorable and a liar--nice [Note: The dishonor was not honoring his flag to me, but yohann2008ds didn't find that enough of a tingle so he lied about it too.] ---------- yohann2008ds: missclick realy [Note: See him smiling his crooked smile? If only he could spell.] ---------- 3.14159: no ---------- yohann2008ds: .. ---------- yohann2008ds: really missclick !! [Note: Two, count them, two whole exclamation points!!] ---------- 3.14159: your review will reflect it ---------- 3.14159: but you won't worry about that--dishonorable as you are ---------- yohann2008ds: dishonorale is bad? ---------- 3.14159: not to you it isn't ---------- yohann2008ds: :) ---------- 3.14159: your typos are cute, though ---------- 3.14159: :) ---------- yohann2008ds: :) ---------- yohann2008ds has left [Note: yohann2008ds left but returned quickly. Perhaps he was checking my reviews?] ---------- EInegro: i sck at 4v4 ---------- burgertime: uh, flag to green :) [Note: Green had it down to burgertime and yohann2008ds with one land each. You would think a truce-mate would NOT have to flag to the other trucer. Dishonor among weasels, no doubt.] ---------- yohann2008ds: me too ---------- burgertime: thanks for nothing green, i fought yellow the whole time ++++++++++ Their response to this review which they will claim they do not care about? They will attack the messenger, of course. "What a waste of time," whey will say even though they found the time to act the way they did.
3.14159 on Monday October 24, 2011
If he flags to you early in the game, DO NOT TRUST HIM.
Nylad on Monday October 24, 2011
backstabber, not respecting flags he asked for
Blasterz on Monday October 24, 2011
its a trucer backstabber ´kill it first
Bandit9685 on Sunday October 23, 2011
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