Level 16
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Reviews 1 - 5 of 5

he doesn't respect the flag
longray on Monday November 28, 2011
This player is remarkable in that he actually made me heartily laugh (or "lol") during a KDice session, a pastime which otherwise tends to breed darker emotions, if any. Therefore, my first review shall be revoked. I sincerely hope though that more players write their bitter and unhumorous remarks on this page so that yhp might be inspired to bestow upon them (and thus all of us) yet another elaborated piece of his dry wit. That yhp's works don't appear to fit too well into the merely insane world of online games and chats is somewhat regretable.
EmptyBottle on Tuesday October 25, 2011
PGA with Mrs. M. Stupid player
samu15 on Tuesday October 25, 2011
I've noticed an irritating little panel at the bottom-right of the playing area. It seems to be some sort of diplomatic forum wherein the emissaries of the various tribes (I imagine them as disparately-coloured, cubic cave men) can air their grievances, publicly decry the unfairness of random chance, misspell words and generally put forward their sniveling opinions. It seems to end up being used to create rather tedious alliances, often leading to unpredictable winning scenarios. I consider any kind of negotiation a form of cowardice, and tantamount to cheating. As the leader of my tiny people, I will accept no surrender and offer no mercy. I will lead them in a glorious, monochromatic tide of death and suffering. There will be no cessation of violence under any circumstances, for we are not a democracy, nor a nation of enlightened anarchists forced into combat; we are a bottomless drowning pool of slavering murderers. Our weirdly square knuckles flex and tighten as our fingers curl into perfect cuboid fists. We will die with your fetid, wrongly-coloured blood mashed into the soles of our rectangular boots. So no, I have no interest in 'flagging.' I have no interest in points, or ranks, or levels or leaderboards. I thirst only for the infinitesimally brief satisfaction of victory and then, as the board clears for the next game, I like to imagine each properly-coloured member of my tribe turning on the one beside him in an orgy of pointless, final bloodshed. And then it's onto the next particle (they're really very, very small) and the next annihilation. Sure, it means I get ganged-up on, and often I lose to wormtongued, fearful little players when a more spineless general might have come in second or third. I know those things are illusions. Once one accepts the existence or legitimacy of second place, one has accepted it permanently in their heart. Either kill or die, it doesn't matter to me.
yhp on Saturday October 22, 2011
Does not understand what flagging is. I wrote this when he was level 7.
Uslfd on Tuesday October 18, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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