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Little Bastard

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. -chat -play -post -re-register jurgen 4:57 PM, Tuesday March 24, 2015 EDT
porn avs aren't allowed -changeAvatar -avatar integral 4:39 PM, Wednesday December 10, 2014 EST
good luck, have fun +changeAvatar +chat jurgen 4:13 AM, Saturday February 9, 2013 EST
Spamming the chat box. -chat KDICEMOD 1:38 PM, Monday November 28, 2011 EST
pornographic -changeAvatar -avatar KDICEMOD 1:47 PM, Thursday October 13, 2011 EDT

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Reviews 1 - 10 of 10

fuck you sistr and beybi moron!
bivo on Monday August 12, 2013
Gay fuck
Sun chips on Monday August 12, 2013
he has good mom
renato345 on Tuesday March 5, 2013
jelly of our bromance bro?
Petermh on Sunday March 3, 2013
Duonciks Gustys on Thursday September 13, 2012
his name should be little bitch.. plays like a cry baby girl.
O_SO_SMOOTH on Friday May 4, 2012
It's not the world's fault you are still a virgin. Brush your green teeth, wipe your ass properly, and stop wanking into your mother's bras.
r0n on Thursday January 26, 2012
2012-01-04 Little Bastard is a chat jerk and web boy who has had his chat privileges revoked by the moderators. He reviewed me: "This guy is just a fucking weirdo who likes to write novels. Get a life, jerk !" With a name like 'Little Bastard' you know not to expect much--and Little Bastard (LB) delivers just that: not much. (1) I don't believe LB knows what a novel is, (2) LB's life is filled with being a chat jerk and web boy and he tells ME to get a life--THAT is funny, (3) LB is so messed up that he thinks that I am the jerk for pointing out the fact that HE is a chat jerk and web boy, (4) LB HATES seeing his own words in his reviews, that is why he is crying and whining now. LB pathetically has no ability to stop himself so we can expect him to continue being a chat jerk and web boy on Kdice on into the future. ++++++++++ 2011-10-13 Little Bastard can't stop himself from being a chat jerk. Is it in his blood? Today we played at the same table. My rule is NEVER to chat first to someone who is a chat jerk or web boy (like Little Bastard) that I have left a review for. Here, Little Bastard starts chatting at me so I chat back. As expected, Little Bastard is a chat jerk--again. Chat is verbatim as always. Little Bastard is purple, I am teal. ++++++++++ [Note: Little Bastard attacked me every turn that he could even when most of us would say it hurt his chances of ranking higher. I had a lead from the very start, and Little Bastard won a disproportionate number of his attacks--but it still helped me. Since I was already filled up, I could take Little Bastard's "leftovers" that he left behind when he attacked me without his being filled up. Thanks, Little Bastard, for the help you did not intend to give.] ---------- Little Bastard has left [Note: Little Bastard leaves the table after putting up a flag for 3rd that he knows is meaningless to the other two players and me.] ---------- Firedule: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: thanks yellow ---------- Little Bastard is here [Note: Little Bastard has RETURNED to the table to see how I am doing. Remember, he has attacked me on every turn of the game because he and I were right next to each other.] ---------- 3.14159: go through me whenever you want to ---------- 3.14159: either one of you ---------- Little Bastard: how the fuck did teal win ? ########## [Note: Little Bastard is VERY disappointed that I have 1st place in hand. He tried with all his might and with a great deal of luck on his attacks and STILL I won. Poor Little Bastard.] ---------- 3.14159: thanks for your help, LB ---------- 3.14159: without you i would not have won ---------- Little Bastard: moron ########## ---------- 3.14159: at least i am not a rude chat jerk like you, LB ---------- Firedule: i go to 2 th ---------- Little Bastard: i like to jerk off ########## [Note: THAT was the height of sophisticated chat to Little Bastard. You see, Dear Readers, what we are up against?] ---------- Little Bastard: here we go ---------- Little Bastard: another novel on reviews ---------- Little Bastard: ;) ---------- 3.14159: :) ---------- Little Bastard: eheh ---------- 3.14159: another rude chat time with Little Bastard ---------- Little Bastard: right ? ---------- 3.14159: right ---------- Little Bastard: you're amazing [Note: To Little Bastard, being a chat jerk is not amazing--it is normal.] ---------- 3.14159: you are a rude chat jerk and i write novels--which is worse? ---------- Little Bastard: you ---------- 3.14159: green and yellow--feel free to cut through me whenever you want to ---------- Little Bastard: you write nonsense shitty novels ---------- 3.14159: actually, i just post YOUR words and you HATE them ---------- 3.14159: that is all ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2011-10-08 Little Bastard sat down and chatted at a game where I was playing. It is nice to see Little Bastard blush (or pretend to blush) at his own bad behavior. Embarassment is the beginning of ethics; Little Bastard is at the beginning of a long journey--unless he is, you know, acting. Little Bastard started the following chat conversation (verbatim as always). ++++++++++ Little Bastard: why do you spam all over people's walls? ---------- 3.14159: why are you rude and classless, Little Bastard? ---------- 3.14159: see the problem here? YOU have the worst failure ---------- Little Bastard: i'm not ---------- Little Bastard: i'm just acting ########## [Note: Lamest excuse ever? "I am just acting like a jerk; I am not really a jerk." It is a distinction without a difference.] ---------- 3.14159: read your OWN words ---------- 3.14159: you are ---------- 3.14159: acting is doing in this case ---------- Little Bastard: put all that information on the walls is quite... ---------- Little Bastard: i do'nt have words ---------- 3.14159: illuminating ---------- Little Bastard: don't ---------- 3.14159: ? ---------- 3.14159: YOU put those words in chat ---------- 3.14159: so how can YOU complain ---------- Little Bastard: not ony me ---------- 3.14159: and they are NOT on walls ---------- Little Bastard: you put all over the place ---------- Little Bastard: is quite mean and sick ---------- 3.14159: they are in reviews--exactly where they are supposed to be ---------- 3.14159: then STOP being rude ---------- 3.14159: and you will have nothing to worry about :) ---------- Little Bastard: i'm not being rude know ---------- Little Bastard: i'm trying to control myself ---------- Little Bastard: please remove that :( ---------- 3.14159: it is easy not to be rude ---------- 3.14159: no way--you said it--you live with it ---------- Little Bastard: forgive all that i said ---------- Little Bastard: i forgive you ---------- 3.14159: i'll post that--very good start ---------- Little Bastard: jeez.. you're kiding ---------- Little Bastard: you really put everything looool ---------- Little Bastard: come on man, stop ---------- 3.14159: YOU stop and you won't have to worry about it at all ---------- 3.14159: YOU are the one chatting rude and vulgar stuff--just stop it ---------- Little Bastard: i will ---------- 3.14159: good for you! ---------- 3.14159: rejoin civil society ---------- 3.14159: excellent! ---------- Little Bastard: but remove that :( ---------- 3.14159: no ---------- 3.14159: YOU said it--not i ---------- Little Bastard: civil society,, you're a comic ---------- Little Bastard: :D ---------- 3.14159: :) ---------- 3.14159: HONOR BEFORE KDICE! right Little Bastard? ---------- Little Bastard: yep ++++++++++ 2011-10-07 Little Bastard reviewed me: "you're a fucking whore, spaming walls all over the players. what a shame." Little Bastard is classless as always. There is little hope that he will ever mend his ways and regain entry into civilized society. Also, I always enjoy the way web boys and chat jerks like Little Bastard rationalize their bad behavior. To Little Bastard I am at fault for posting HIS words. So funny, so wonderful, so predictable. ++++++++++ 2011-10-06 I am purple, Little Bastard is blue. Chat is verbatim as always. ++++++++++ Josho: flag red ---------- Little Bastard: flag purp and red ---------- 3.14159: sorry, blue--i have to grow to have any chance against red [Note: To add to that, Little Bastard did on of those "expand as much as you can, block a guy in, then flag to him" moves. I accept 99% of flags offered to me, but one should not have to accept a flag that guarantees that one loses.] ---------- 3.14159: i cannot accept ---------- Little Bastard: ok ---------- Little Bastard: middle is fucked [Note: He is complaining about playing from the middle.] ---------- Josho: flag purp... ---------- 3.14159: thanks green [Note: Green was not in my way toward red. Red was in 1st, I was in 2nd.] ---------- Josho: red can i come through? ---------- Little Bastard: flag purp ---------- Josho: nvm... ---------- Josho has left ---------- Little Bastard: why red? [Note: Red didn't say anything, he just attacked Little Bastard and took some of his land. He too needed to expand in order to keep ahead of me.] ---------- Little Bastard: you hate me red? ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game, blue ---------- 3.14159: sometimes we win, sometimes we lose ---------- 3.14159: right? ---------- Little Bastard: nop ---------- 3.14159: then grow up ---------- Little Bastard: i'm 25 ---------- 3.14159: then mature ---------- Little Bastard: i'm like 40 years old ---------- Little Bastard: you're mean purp ---------- 3.14159: i don't think so--i tried to be reasonable, but if you don't understand that, so be it ---------- Little Bastard: you should lose ---------- 3.14159: i am likely to lose ---------- 3.14159: that was true since red took the lead ---------- 3.14159: but it doesn't mean one should lie down and die ---------- Little Bastard: then give up ---------- 3.14159: YOU would but I don't ---------- Little Bastard: cunt ########## ########## ---------- 3.14159: rude and classless--as i suspected ---------- Little Bastard: XD ---------- Little Bastard: i'm a child ---------- Little Bastard: i like to be childish ---------- Little Bastard: caubi is level 1 ? [Note: Caubi is red.] ---------- 3.14159: under this name at least ---------- Caubi is now level 5! [Note: Caubi won the game and went from level 1 to level 5.] ---------- 3.14159: gg all ---------- Little Bastard: finally ---------- Little Bastard: gg ----------
3.14159 on Wednesday January 4, 2012
Great story! I loved the book "Life and Death of Little Bastard". The DvD is coming out, too?
nW0 on Friday October 28, 2011
3.14159, you really should have chosen a career as writer or novelist.
Little Bastard on Saturday October 8, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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