Level 28
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unfair idiot moron player. dont flag him he will fuck your game up.
tembo on Monday November 5, 2012
Shit player, truces in round 2. Kill first.
besamiculo on Monday November 5, 2012
Dirty backstabber, NEVER trust his word, never accept his flag.
voodooer on Sunday November 4, 2012
Fair player - avoided easy stab
the-ferret on Friday November 2, 2012
Idiot, will remeber ya
greve on Thursday November 1, 2012
Doesn't understand the game well. Gets mad when he is attacked or loses.
Dendore on Tuesday October 23, 2012
just a beginner, when he makes shit moves just understand hes a child
what_up23 on Tuesday October 16, 2012
Racist and miserable, perhaps if you put more effort into accepting people's races, you'd be a happier person.
G00PY on Sunday October 14, 2012
2012-10-13 CGreenberg is a Kdice jerk whose lame excuse and his pretense for attacking guys who are (1) no threat to him and (2) couldn't beat him if they wanted to is that they did not IMMEDIATELY put up a real flag when they could AFTER giving a chat flag and THEREFORE were preparing to "stab." CGreenberg has probably been backstabbed once or twice--ALL of us who play long enough have been. That is no excuse for playing like a jerk as CGreenberg does. Why does it matter? Because putting up a real flag sometimes limits one's options. Not the option of backstabbing, but the option of finishing ahead of the guy you flag to, for example, if he loses to some OTHER guy. And none of THAT matters because CGreenberg kills people who are NO threat and could NOT beat him even if they wanted to. It isn't like he isn't awake and playing and will be killed in his sleep; CGreenberg is ACTIVELY WATCHING and will know IMMEDIATELY if someone tries to backstab. CGreenberg's excuses are the lamest possible and it makes him a jerk for playing that way. Again, CGreenberg says it is "reasonable" to assume a backstab; the rest of us mature, reasonable men who play Kdice know that it is reasonable to keep one's options open--AND ALWAYS HONOR ONE'S FLAGS. CGreenberg just likes the power trip of killing off little guys--that is the only reasonable explanation for why he does it. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. ++++++++++ PeeDee: my flag is already up guys ---------- 3.14159: go on through ---------- 3.14159: that was a flag to me, right red? ---------- LUX88: yep ---------- 3.14159: thanks ---------- LUX88: gg ---------- 3.14159: gg ---------- CGreenberg: see, pi? ########## ---------- 3.14159: see what? ---------- CGreenberg: Isn't real flagging so much easier? ########## [Note: In fact--NO! Because the guy flagged for a spot lower than he could have and should have gotten. Had he waited, he would have real fagged for the highest and best rank--WITHOUT BACKSTABBING ANYONE, of course.] ---------- Semper Fidelis: tkx for pga ---------- CGreenberg: Pga? ---------- CGreenberg: You kept attacking me. ---------- 3.14159: pre-game alliance ---------- CGreenberg: you never flagged. ---------- CGreenberg: lol ---------- 3.14159: oh, i see ---------- CGreenberg: No, I got what he meant. ---------- 3.14159: my motto: when 1st (or 2nd or 3rd etc) is in hand leave everyone alone... ---------- 3.14159: unless attacked or stalemate ---------- CGreenberg: Ofc. And he attacked ---------- CGreenberg: but re: my comment to you ---------- 3.14159: just mentioning it :) ---------- 3.14159: yes? ---------- CGreenberg: You wouldn't real flag in a game ########## [Note: Because he demanded it and I was no threat to him even if I wanted to be a threat to him. Again, it wasn't like CGreenberg wasn't watching my every move.] ---------- CGreenberg: and said I was a dick for requiring it ---------- CGreenberg: it's just common courtesy ########## [Note: Is it "common courtesy" to make someone who has said they flag to you also bow down to you? No. Common courtesy and, more importantly, common DECENCY mean believing the chat flag and not killing the chat flag guy.] ---------- 3.14159: no, it is not necessary and reduces my options ---------- CGreenberg: and when it's not proffered, it's usually reasonable to suspect a stab ########## [Note: Ridiculous excuse. Backstabbing is rare. Just because it happens to all of us once or twice doesn't make it an excuse for being a jerk. CGreenbeg KNOWS this but is making excuses so that he can have the 'fun' of killing guys off. It is just a power trip for CGreenberg.] ---------- 3.14159: "reasonable" is NOT true ---------- CGreenberg: when I'm asking you to flag 2? ---------- CGreenberg: yes. ---------- 3.14159: 95%+ of flags are honored ---------- CGreenberg: It's reasonable. ---------- 3.14159: how is it "reasonable" to assume a 5% chance will occur? ---------- CGreenberg: 85% of stats are made up on the spot ---------- CGreenberg: such as that stat ---------- 3.14159: yes, you tried that before ---------- CGreenberg: In any case ---------- 3.14159: it doesn't change the facts ---------- CGreenberg: You're quoting things as "fact" without proof? ---------- CGreenberg has left ---------- 3.14159: you WERE a dick for attacking a guy who had 0 chance of (1) fighting you and ---------- 3.14159: (2) beating you ---------- 3.14159: that DOES make you a dick ---------- 3.14159: you attacked him because you could ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-09-20 CGreenberg speaks! And confirms everything I said. Here is the review of me left by CGreenberg after I left my review of him (see below): "Politely asked for a real flag. In return, got a bitchy reply about how chat flags are often honored and I should be happy with it. Despite the fact he could easily real flag. So. I killed him. Simple enough. You prep for a stab, you die." CGreenberg is childishly missing the forest for the trees; he is fixating on small points that he got right in order to avoid the bigger problem. The bigger problem? Guys who play 1st place like CGreenberg make Kdice less fun for everyone--including themselves. The "prep for a stab" statement is very revealing--and moronic. CGreenberg had a GIANT lead over me and everyone else; 1st place wasn't just "in hand," it was parked and locked in the garage. CGreenberg just likes the feeling of telling others what to do. He must miss that feeling in the real world and takes the virtual world as his chance to get a feeling of power. Good for him! Bad for us. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++ ++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-09-17 A child. He does know the basic elements of right and wrong, but his grasp is immature. To repeat what I told him in chat: (1) 95%+ of all chat flags are honored; (2) my motto is that when 1st is in hand leave everyone alone unless attacked or stalemate. Yes, CGreenberg made a 'reasonable' request--too some. I agree that many people ask for flags; I think it is a bad, childish habit. The supposed FEAR of backstabbers is an excuse for all sorts of bad behavior. Not as bad as backstabbing, of course, but bad enough to make Kdice worse than it should be. Actually, if CGreenberg had not INSISTED on a real flag I probably would have put a real flag up because I didn't care either way. If a polite, mature request is made, why not be polite in return? But CGreenberg was anything but polite and mature. His threats made it all the more wonderful, of course, to flout what he considers the convention.
3.14159 on Saturday October 13, 2012
You know the type. Criticizes people for attacking him. Anyone who doesn't do what he expects them to do is an "idiot"
Carnifexxx on Tuesday October 9, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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