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backstabber dont trust
run and gun on Friday February 1, 2013
horrible player and worse attitude
crzywabbit on Thursday November 1, 2012
all negative in below is true... and you are bitch and motherfucker!!!
zioro2 on Thursday October 18, 2012
Doesn't hold grudges and can admit defeat. Now that's a sport.
eurasianbro on Wednesday November 16, 2011
dont belive this guy because he flagged me then we killed all and he attaced me for 1 st.? gave advantage this guy but he dont respect and trust
BigScal on Monday November 14, 2011
Real noob
Dragofonz on Tuesday November 8, 2011
pga with all turkish player and a backstabber
McElu on Monday October 10, 2011
Unlawful's turn FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 14 to 14, (2,5,3,4 to 2,2,5,5) FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 9 to 18, (1,2,4,2 to 6,5,1,6) +11 dice FMMontgomery's turn Unlawful defeated 4v4, 20 to 17, (6,6,5,3 to 1,4,6,6) +7 dice Unlawful's turn FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 16 to 16, (3,4,3,6 to 4,5,5,2) FMMontgomery defeated 4v4, 23 to 14, (6,5,6,6 to 5,3,4,2) FMMontgomery defended 3v4, 6 to 8, (1,3,2 to 4,1,1,2) +11 dice FMMontgomery's turn Unlawful defeated 4v4, 19 to 9, (4,5,6,4 to 2,3,3,1) Unlawful defeated 4v4, 12 to 11, (2,4,1,5 to 4,1,1,5) +8 dice Unlawful's turn 58 sits in FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 6 to 17, (1,2,2,1 to 3,5,6,3) FMMontgomery defeated 4v4, 15 to 14, (2,4,6,3 to 4,1,6,3) +10 dice winneret's turn FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 13 to 15, (2,2,4,5 to 3,4,3,5) FMMontgomery's turn Unlawful defeated 4v4, 19 to 11, (6,5,6,2 to 3,2,1,5) Unlawful defended 4v4, 11 to 18, (1,4,5,1 to 5,6,2,5) +8 dice 58's turn winneret defended 4v4, 14 to 15, (2,4,4,4 to 2,3,4,6) winneret defeated 4v4, 12 to 8, (3,5,1,3 to 1,4,2,1) winneret defeated 4v4, 23 to 12, (5,6,6,6 to 3,3,2,4) +5 dice Unlawful's turn FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 16 to 23, (5,3,4,4 to 6,5,6,6) FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 11 to 12, (1,3,1,6 to 1,4,6,1) neutral defended 4v4, 9 to 10, (4,2,1,2 to 5,1,2,2) +9 dice winneret's turn 58 defeated 4v4, 17 to 15, (5,6,1,5 to 6,4,3,2) 58 defeated 3v3, 13 to 6, (5,5,3 to 4,1,1) 58 defended 4v4, 14 to 16, (2,4,5,3 to 4,4,5,3) +10 dice FMMontgomery's turn Unlawful defeated 4v4, 17 to 16, (1,6,6,4 to 3,3,6,4) Unlawful defended 4v4, 9 to 10, (5,1,1,2 to 2,5,2,1) +9 dice 58's turn winneret defeated 4v4, 14 to 12, (3,1,4,6 to 6,2,1,3) +4 dice Unlawful's turn FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 13 to 18, (4,3,4,2 to 4,4,5,5) FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 13 to 16, (2,1,6,4 to 5,1,5,5) FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 10 to 18, (2,6,1,1 to 6,5,1,6) FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 14 to 14, (5,5,2,2 to 5,1,2,6) FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 15 to 15, (1,2,6,6 to 5,3,5,2) +8 dice winneret's turn 58 defended 4v4, 13 to 16, (1,6,2,4 to 3,6,5,2) 58 defended 4v4, 13 to 13, (3,4,3,3 to 6,2,3,2) FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 9 to 15, (1,6,1,1 to 1,6,3,5) +8 dice FMMontgomery's turn Unlawful defeated 4v4, 18 to 14, (5,5,5,3 to 2,6,2,4) Unlawful defended 4v4, 14 to 18, (4,3,5,2 to 4,4,4,6) Unlawful defeated 4v4, 21 to 12, (4,6,5,6 to 5,4,2,1) +11 dice 58's turn winneret defeated 4v4, 17 to 15, (6,2,5,4 to 6,2,3,4) +5 dice Unlawful's turn FMMontgomery defeated 4v4, 13 to 11, (3,1,4,5 to 6,1,2,2) FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 12 to 18, (3,5,2,2 to 1,5,6,6) FMMontgomery defeated 4v4, 18 to 12, (6,5,3,4 to 5,3,3,1) FMMontgomery defeated 4v4, 10 to 8, (1,3,2,4 to 3,2,2,1) +9 dice winneret's turn 58 defeated 4v4, 16 to 8, (5,4,1,6 to 2,2,2,2) 58 defeated 4v4, 16 to 12, (5,1,4,6 to 4,4,3,1) 58 defended 4v3, 13 to 13, (3,3,6,1 to 3,5,5) +9 dice FMMontgomery's turn Unlawful defeated 4v4, 19 to 13, (2,5,6,6 to 2,2,6,3) Unlawful defended 4v4, 7 to 17, (2,2,1,2 to 6,4,4,3) 58 defeated 3v3, 14 to 10, (6,4,4 to 5,1,4) +10 dice 58's turn (+0 for 4th and +0 for dominance) Rank: 2777th Score: +0 to 0??. 58 finishes 4th in round 13 58 stands up Unlawful's turn FMMontgomery defeated 4v4, 13 to 10, (3,5,3,2 to 2,6,1,1) FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 20 to 20, (5,3,6,6 to 6,5,4,5) FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 9 to 19, (1,2,4,2 to 6,6,1,6) +9 dice winneret's turn neutral defeated 4v4, 14 to 12, (4,3,6,1 to 1,1,5,5) neutral defeated 4v4, 15 to 13, (6,3,3,3 to 3,2,4,4) +12 dice FMMontgomery's turn Unlawful defeated 4v4, 17 to 16, (4,5,6,2 to 6,6,2,2) Unlawful defended 4v4, 14 to 19, (2,3,3,6 to 3,4,6,6) Unlawful defended 4v4, 14 to 16, (3,3,2,6 to 3,6,4,3) +8 dice Unlawful's turn FMMontgomery defeated 4v4, 18 to 17, (4,5,5,4 to 5,4,6,2) FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 13 to 18, (2,5,4,2 to 4,5,3,6) FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 11 to 19, (4,5,1,1 to 5,3,6,5) FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 12 to 14, (3,3,5,1 to 3,2,3,6) +9 dice winneret's turn +12 dice FMMontgomery's turn Unlawful defended 4v4, 6 to 11, (1,1,2,2 to 3,3,1,4) Unlawful defeated 4v2, 10 to 6, (1,6,2,1 to 4,2) Unlawful defeated 4v4, 17 to 11, (2,6,6,3 to 4,1,1,5) +11 dice Unlawful's turn FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 17 to 17, (2,6,4,5 to 5,6,4,2) FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 10 to 15, (5,2,2,1 to 6,1,2,6) FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 11 to 11, (4,2,1,4 to 2,4,3,2) FMMontgomery defended 4v4, 9 to 13, (4,2,2,1 to 3,2,4,4) Unlawful sits out +6 dice winneret's turn +12 dice FMMontgomery's turn Unlawful defeated 4v2, 9 to 8, (6,1,1,1 to 6,2) Unlawful defeated 4v2, 16 to 4, (6,6,3,1 to 1,3) Unlawful defeated 3v2, 11 to 6, (4,5,2 to 3,3) +14 dice Unlawful's turn +1 dice winneret's turn +12 dice FMMontgomery's turn neutral defended 4v4, 9 to 9, (3,2,1,3 to 1,3,3,2) Unlawful defeated 4v4, 11 to 5, (2,4,3,2 to 1,1,1,2) Unlawful defeated 4v4, 18 to 13, (6,6,3,3 to 4,1,4,4) +16 dice Unlawful's turn +1 dice winneret's turn +12 dice FMMontgomery's turn neutral defended 4v4, 10 to 20, (3,3,3,1 to 5,5,5,5) neutral defeated 4v4, 16 to 12, (1,4,5,6 to 2,2,3,5) +17 dice Unlawful's turn (+10 for 3rd and +0 for dominance) Rank: 2532nd Score: +10 to 29??. Unlawful finishes 3rd (forced resign) in round 18 Unlawful stands up winneret's turn +12 dice FMMontgomery's turn neutral defeated 4v4, 18 to 10, (5,3,6,4 to 4,3,2,1) neutral defeated 4v4, 13 to 12, (5,3,4,1 to 5,5,1,1) neutral defeated 4v4, 14 to 11, (1,4,3,6 to 2,1,2,6) +21 dice winneret's turn +12 dice FMMontgomery's turn +21 dice winneret's turn +12 dice FMMontgomery's turn FMMontgomery sits out +21 dice winneret's turn +12 dice FMMontgomery's turn +21 dice winneret's turn +12 dice FMMontgomery's turn +21 dice winneret's turn Unlawful takes a seat
Unlawful on Monday October 10, 2011
Nice player, i was involved in an always-unfair-counter against him, and im sorry for that.(im not going to take back that words, that isnt bad words...)
dottir on Thursday May 5, 2011
Never trust his words. Kill that biatch asap
Jtencul on Thursday May 5, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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