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not respect flags
fmi on Monday April 23, 2012
If you have every met a fuckstick shitlicker like this one then you know what asshattery truly is.
TheBetterYodel on Saturday March 31, 2012
Katrina_11 on Monday March 26, 2012
not a good ally. bailed on a truce. -- [This review was automatically posted using Deadcode Tools for KDice. Download: http://kdice.com/profile/44773121]
CuteKittens on Wednesday February 15, 2012
He jumped into our counter, because BAMMBI started a truce in round 2, but he used it to draw all the flags and claim 1st. He then sitted and watched while we, the rest of the counter, got kick by the initial trucers. The funny thing, and obvious one, is that the inital trucers didnt respect their flags to him and turned on him so he got 3rd. He's a disloyal player hiding behind the "I don't truce!" to justify his moves.
GuiMo on Wednesday December 28, 2011
dumb cunt
Adam_ on Sunday September 4, 2011
Flags and then attacks. arse.
Freddie G on Monday July 4, 2011
It was 4:15 am est when I sat down at the computer to play a game of Kdice. I sat at table: psykopat. When the game filled up I noticed a gentlemen in the game and speaking in the chat box, it was Muchomacho. He was talking about his recent marriage to his husband Greg. At first I thought it was a joke, but as Muchomacho continued on I realized it wasn't a joke but rather him openly expressing his desire for his true love Greg and his happiness being able to finally marry him. I felt it was refreshing and helpful in this community of jerks and bullies that this gentlemen openly admitted his homosexuality proudly and really sparked topic and opened peoples eyes with his stories of long lustful nights with his "boy toy" Greg in the sauna. GOD bless you 2 on your future endevours.
TheSwiper on Thursday June 23, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
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