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Reviews 1 - 7 of 7

Doesn't respect flag
Devos- on Wednesday April 11, 2012
fair player !!
hosonagai on Sunday February 19, 2012
doesn't accept real flags
MarquisDaniels on Sunday February 19, 2012
2012-01-09 Though I had completely forgotten about him, Slytherin reviewed me: "Deep review, thanks!" Slytherin took months and months to study and ponder my review of him from 2011-09-23 (see below) and yet he believes my review was deep. Wow, so sophomoric (no surprise--that was already established). It can't be that Slytherin was being ironic or sarcastic as that would require a bare minimum of sophistication and that is far beyond Slytherin's abilities. Slytherin has given us more evidence that craftiness is the highest goal that he can hope to achieve given his limited equipment. +++++++++ ++++++++++ 2011-09-23 Slytherin is (or pretends to be) a half-educated immoralist. He says, "There is no such thing as evil," in a way that implies he thinks he was quite clever to arrive at that conclusion. As I mentioned in chat, every idiot knows that doing evil/bad has benefits--look at all the stupid criminals. Even THEY see the advantage in lying, cheating, stealing, and having others take the blame for things they themselves did. GREAT minds see the bigger picture and disagree with Slytherin; lesser minds than theirs (but far greater than his) agree with those great minds. Slytherin pretends to think (he can't really believe it) that using the word 'evil' means that one thinks there is only pure good or pure evil. He thinks using the word 'evil' means one has a Manichean view of the world. He accuses G.W. Bush of thinking that way. The ignorance of thinking GWBush ACTUALLY fought 'evil' wherever and whenever he saw it is too obvious for even Slytherin to miss. Oh, but that means Slytherin's earlier point was completely wrong. Oh, well, Slytherin never claimed that he wanted to be wise (or even smart) or honorable or just; Slytherin just wants to achieve the ultimate, to him, in the world: craftiness. Such a low goal is achievable easily by most people and, with some difficulty, even by Slytherin.
3.14159 on Monday January 9, 2012
beleave me he s a backstabber kill him at site
NIke 3 on Tuesday May 31, 2011
just a backstabber!
Sandro01 on Tuesday May 31, 2011
stop playing like an idiot, when you have clear first, no need to fuck other players
moulue on Friday May 27, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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