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Chuff-chugging arse boy and wazzark who snuffles turds whilst plucking winnets and is an innard welking gnu wanker. Farty dribbler, arse-cheese bugler and noodle-puber. Twoffle-klunger and mong fluffer. Chuff-chugging, winnett-plucking, butt-sucking, gonad-licking, belly-flapping, gob-socket and botty burper with herpes and crabs...
zhaoyun on Tuesday May 22, 2012
likes turd sniffing while poodle finger fucking on a hot day
Gangstrrr on Wednesday November 30, 2011
Ha ha ha!
fcxngcn on Wednesday November 30, 2011
2011-11-12 fcxngcn (a.k.a. KDice_001) is a weasel. When goaded enough by me, even fcxngcn can be original--at least for five (5) words. To his long, unoriginal copy-and-paste review of me, fcxngcn added "And 3.14159 is a twat." I'm afraid, Dear Readers, you have just seen the limits of fcxngcn's originality. ++++++++++ 2011-10-27 fcxngcn (a.k.a. KDice_001) is a weasel. fcxngcn did not accept teal's flag but did not tell him that--he just attacked him out of the blue many turns after teal flagged to him. fcxngcn is a weasel who wants to hold his options open. That is, if I hadn't been a threat to his 1st place finish (I was in 2nd), fcxngcn would have acted right and never have attacked teal; since I WAS a threat, fcxngcn bided his time and then attacked teal (who had flagged to him) when it would do fcxngcn the most good. Also, fcxngcn says "I love bad reviews!", so be sure to leave him one. fcxngcn is red, I am brown. Here is the chat, verbatim as always. ++++++++++ Gefistet: flag red ---------- samcormack: flag brown red ---------- 3.14159: thanks green ---------- Gefistet: flag brown too ---------- 3.14159: thanks teal ---------- Gefistet: take my island red ---------- samcormack: looks like yellow's dead too ---------- Gefistet: lol red i flag you Oo [Note: fcxngcn has attacked him, so teal is telling fcxngcn that he had flagged to him.] ---------- 3.14159: red is like that--leave him a bad review ---------- Gefistet: k ---------- 3.14159: i flag to green and teal [Note: I try to enlist the other two players help to fight fcxngcn, but samcormack didn't go along. He beat teal for 3rd, then quit.] ---------- fcxngcn: I love bad reviews! ---------- 3.14159: i know you do ---------- 3.14159: i have left you enough ---------- 3.14159: but we know you REALLY hate them ---------- 3.14159: that is why you reply ++++++++++ 2011-10-09 So fcxngcn taking a few of MY reviews, putting them together, and posting them as a new review of me? fxcngcn is devolving; it shows much less imagination and creativity than even the pitiful "bright 7th-grader" stuff he posted before. Dear Readers, we must just about give up any hope for fxcngcn (unless he IS a 7th-grader; then we pat him on the head and thank him for trying). ++++++++++ 2011-10-08 fxcngcn reviewed me: "Chuff chuff arse-guffer and lickspittle cock-sucker. Winkles winnets on wednesday with wazzoks. What a twat." Still basically the same stuff. fxcngcn should take more time with his vulgarity and coarseness, show some REAL imagination and creativity. ++++++++++ 2011-10-08 fxcngcn reviewed me: "Sweaty-botty nude-burger half-arse turdy boy without gonads and loser." You would think the first part of the sentence would make the last part--loser--redundant. fxcngcn's poetic imagination is running dry--he is basically repeating himself. ++++++++++ 2011-10-07 fcxngcn forgot to add "be rude and juvenile" to his list. fcxngcn reviewed himself on 2011-10-07 and wrote: "Points don't matter. Never flag. Never accept flags. Just kill fuckers or die." Why should he add "be rude and juvenile" to that list he wrote? Because in our game today his "chat" tells us so. All chat text is verbatim as always. ++++++++++ fcxngcn: Steve Jobs what a cunt. Ryan is cock sucking nudist. all Mods are inadequate small-dicked turds ########## ---------- fcxngcn: you are all twats ########## ---------- 3.14159: don't be shy--tell us what you REALLY think ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## fxcngcn reviews himself: "'ha ha!' fcxngcn on Saturday November 12, 2011" [Note: See? He LIKES it. You are welcome.] ---------- "'Lol!' fcxngcn on Saturday November 12, 2011" [Note: fcxngcn enjoyed my newest section--the stuff at the end of my reviews of him (see below). ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## Here at the end so we don't distract too much from the important stuff: The Days That fxcngcn Leaves Another Long, Long Copy-And-Paste Review of Me That Contains Nothing Original From Him -- "fcxngcn on Saturday November 12, 2011" "fcxngcn on Tuesday November 15, 2011" "fcxngcn on Wednesday November 16, 2011" "fcxngcn on Saturday November 19, 2011" "takes swizzle sticks up the arse regularly fcxngcn on Tuesday November 22, 2011"
3.14159 on Sunday November 27, 2011
Asshole. Kill on sight.
Ender_wiggin on Wednesday November 23, 2011
tntviper1 on Wednesday November 23, 2011
I just can repeat this: ignores flags. Kill him before he kills you!
Kudowski on Saturday November 19, 2011
Ignores flags, has a rude language. Not a fair player.
deMapper on Thursday November 17, 2011
simply an idiot! I do not know what he wants. All flags and still scheming and throws something in August why others attack him as he goes crazy ... loss of words. poor player, even I would say loser!and also I had the same post at the bottom. August humiliate guy
zioro2 on Tuesday November 15, 2011
what a douche
Maksim Levenchuk on Thursday November 10, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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