Level 21
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Cattraknoff: Tiptoeing around smaller players holding strategic positions just because they're no threat to you isn't how you win the game. If as a smaller player you don't want to risk being attacked you need to flag. pablinho: If I could remember the game in question I would respond more specifically, but I notice I left a review on your profile the same day saying you did not respect your flag either. There have been numerous instances I've been in 1st and asked people I flagged to, to take my lands so I can reflag appropriately. If I did something you felt was unfair it was most likely in response to something I felt was unfair.
zTau on Sunday December 19, 2010
Silly player...
Cattraknoff on Sunday December 19, 2010
I flaged him, and arround 10 rounds later he attack me because i can attack other player O.o NOOB & STUPID PLAYER
pablinho on Thursday October 7, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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