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Reviews 1 - 5 of 5

Honours flags, all around awesome player. Polite to a fault!
Rowen on Wednesday December 30, 2009
Vandalay... I never did anything to you. So please make your "Note's to Self" to yourself. I'm new and still learning, so if I hurt your little feelings one day, sorry... -------------------------------------------- To the other neg post... I never had a PGA, didn't even know what that was until you posted this and I had to ask. Plus I respect flags I just think most people flag WAY too early, so I like to wait till I can actually put up a real flag
Bigkeaven on Tuesday December 29, 2009
note to self: shitty player kill on sight., nothing to do with flags
V a n d a l a y on Tuesday December 29, 2009
doesnt respect flags has had a pga on my table!
Judenbengel on Sunday December 27, 2009
to use the words of one of his enemies: "he has eggs!" - not one to flag easily (actually havent seen him flag at all so far), but a reliable, trustworthy player with a nice character mix of diehard not flagging yet not taking this game too seriously. nice to have at the table, recommended. (btw: not sure if he is a genuine noob or an alternate account, he seems rather seasoned to me, in a positive way)
scaramanga on Saturday December 26, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
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