Level 33
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What a douche bag cant be trusted pga with r7000
@don15037249 on Monday May 25, 2015
Complete idiot. Doesn't understand how to play. Accepts a truce then later accepts a flag.
arkenkor on Thursday April 23, 2015
Honorable player.
glem on Wednesday October 2, 2013
I respected Bivo's flag. I could have killed him way before. He was just stalling forever and not doing anything in an attempt to get third. I just didn't want to wait 20 minutes for him to get 0 points anyways. Sad that he is lvl 66 but plays so poorly.
WeAreReborn on Monday September 2, 2013
bad player dont respect flag!
bivo on Monday September 2, 2013
Nice player, didn't stab and gave kill. Very fair.
blue_collar on Friday August 30, 2013
Arse chuffing gnu strangler with butt sucking herpes and crabs
jfcxncgn on Thursday August 8, 2013
deaf player... acts completely mindless
SamPhoenix on Sunday July 7, 2013
douche bag learn how to respect others and the game
kdicefreak on Saturday October 16, 2010
awesome player
lambert14 on Saturday April 3, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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