Level 22
to level 23


were a all the flowers gone
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StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: kk StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: kk StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k Grumpfish: purp can you help StopWhaling: k the die: QUEENY; WO BIST DU? StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: kk StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k zsidt has left StopWhaling: k StopWhaling: k Enjoy this player to the full extent possible. Called us American Pigs. Then acted like one. LOL Awesome.
d3vaLL on Wednesday August 19, 2009
dude fer serious id slit your throat cuz
Sophallus on Thursday August 13, 2009
bad behavior during the tourney, not killing the 3rd while he has all lands, not lagging out, nothing, just passing turns for 15 minutes now...
IllIllIllI on Thursday August 13, 2009
A splendid player that kdice needs more of. At first, I thought it was a little strange to have a "open" kdice homosexual, yet soon I warmed up to the idea and he really gave some insight into the homosexual world. He answered questions openly and honestly, and really changed a lot of minds of people I feel. With more homosexuals like himself coming clean and just letting the world know what is TRUE and what is MYTH really helps grow understanding. I applaud you for your openess with us here at kdice and wish you and your fiance' Greg the best of luck in the future!
BlueLineKing7 on Thursday August 13, 2009
Non thinking weakling
Cirquedaddy on Tuesday August 11, 2009
i think he might be seriously insane, like, not funny insanity
diegosa on Thursday August 6, 2009
very inapropriate chat. should be banned
RHAKI LE TIGRE on Thursday August 6, 2009
Angry little chap
anger on Wednesday August 5, 2009
an insulting idiot without manners who just tries to waste games => pathetic person
OviloN on Tuesday August 4, 2009
he called me an asshole :(
hobat on Saturday July 25, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary