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A rare thing in kdice....a player with honor. I had one stack to his back, but he could not kill it. I was not going to win (the one stack was all I had left) but I could have made things difficult for him, trying to improve my position. He said to be cool, and he would get me third or fourth (he was in first at the time). So I was cool, he was truced with someone else, and two guys flagged 3rd and 5th. He told his truce partner to kill brown because he promised me fourth (his truce partner was only in second at the time). After the partner killed brown he was now in first place (he never flagged). geowolf told his partner since he did all the work, he could have first, even though geowolf had a bunch in reserve from not fighting and could have fought his parnter for first. Nice to see honor in kdice. And a rare thing indeed.
Serendipity on Tuesday November 25, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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