Level 32
to level 33


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Reviews 1 - 10 of 10

honourable guy! stands to his word!
losemaker on Saturday May 11, 2013
thanks for trusting my flag. and now we both know not to trust ubbentail.
mrchips1 on Thursday May 9, 2013
absolutely retarted dick
aevin on Saturday October 6, 2012
nice and fair guy
so what on Saturday September 8, 2012
wonderful player , wonderful game.
vitaminu on Thursday June 17, 2010
A good and kind player. Good luck in the future!
Psychopomp on Tuesday June 8, 2010
nice chatty player ^.^
kungfuanda on Thursday April 22, 2010
a good player, who is also nice and funny... and he likes talking too :))) .....and he doesn't only play for points, he's playing for fun!! sit the same table with him and you'll enjoy it! P.S.1 Pnyx, hope learning german talking is succesfull :))) .. and im excited to know what you will tell me in german next time we meet :)) P.S.2 Pnyx, i added you - hope it's ok :)
Mrs. M on Tuesday April 20, 2010
A kind of player you like to play with.
Jurek Rondel on Monday April 19, 2010
Bon joueur and a great guy
Pezzcola on Sunday April 18, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary