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Always needs to leave, and then discusses the game, that he destroyed you, although you flagged
Soundso on Thursday February 18, 2010
take care of him. Very big asshole!
Nossa on Thursday February 18, 2010
Asshole! Attacks lower flags.
ZygFryD on Monday August 17, 2009
"Biggest crier I've played against. Bit of a cock about it too." ...I posted this on July 20th, 2009...he copies and pastes it to my reviews on the 25th...lol HTFU Beorn and quit ya crying.
jonplante on Thursday August 6, 2009
and the story is brizman..."there are a lot of crying children playing this game"
Beorn on Tuesday July 21, 2009
pathetic... i like your review you wrote on me.. i think your the cry baby.. oh and I didnt tunnel behind you you attacked me then ran... and you almost fucked me but hey.. its all good look at all your reviews.. that tells the story here ... fag!
brizman on Monday July 20, 2009
lame. very very lame.
schevenotter on Monday July 20, 2009
Impatient idiot, cannot be trusted.
ADmiral-N on Thursday April 23, 2009
bad player. do not trust
CuteKittens on Saturday August 30, 2008
PGA. Wouldn't attack eachother, started saying "now to you." Total bs. Says the other guy flagged to him, but there was no flag. Glad to see so many negative reviews for this douchebag
Harley927 on Thursday August 14, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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