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I saw the game in question. It was terrible. Orange went ballistic and started calling down everyone and swearing up a storm of insults to races and groups of people. I asked him to chill out since I'm young and he called me a tw@t and the C word...Can we do something about people like this? A girl wants to know...
crazycanadian on Saturday August 30, 2008
Wow. I've never met anyone like orange. He called me a J## and a N#####Lover and a homo. No wonder everyone attacked him on the map. Then he screams PGA when really, the map was screaming "get rid of this dirtbag". He needs anger management and to grow a set of morals and learn to treat peeps decently.
Abernathy on Saturday August 30, 2008
not really a fair player just looking for dom and wont let anybody fight for places
MsCat on Saturday August 16, 2008
are you complaining about me complaining? kind of hypocritical isn't it? Sorry I just don't take it up the ***. I don't roll like that.
Pathological on Thursday July 31, 2008
I can see this douchebags reputation long exceeds his actual skill. Tried a long sucide attempt and had a 8 piece stuck in the corner. Begged the 1st place guy to let him flag 4th, meanwhile 6 players remained. Than he and the 1st place guy basically agreed to a truce (why? no idea) and the tool sat back and wasted peoples pts because he wouldnt flag until he got 4th. So instead of going down -203 pts, he went down -195...meanwhile costing every single player at the table accept 1st place and himself to lose dom. pts. A real faggot who apperently is only getting worse with time, not better.
_The_Joker_ on Friday July 25, 2008
Sad little fool who flags late and expects to take precedence over others. Whining twerp
Preston on Tuesday July 8, 2008
My readers, What you see written by orange is the episode of JUST one game. Now tell me how one game can give such a profound description as the one orange33 makes. A superficial person, not sportive, doesn't know how to lose. I had no alternatives in my game than to take him, I was surrounded by his dices, and he started giving orders to me.Very irritating. WHat he wanted finally was that I didn't move for all the game, seeing him taking 1st and begging him for a 3rd flag. Such a poor player. AVOID ORANGE33
GSK on Saturday July 5, 2008
Odd game that last one. You flagged 2nd then I asked you to flag 3rd assuming yellow was goint to play nice. He didn't! Thanks for accepting the situation!
Earl Grey on Wednesday May 14, 2008
well some call it nothing i call it justifiable. he states on his notes page that he tried to "suicide" which is always just annoying and wastes games without winning something with it. so it is absolutely a justifiable note.
OviloN on Sunday May 11, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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