Level 53
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Gabble + tonygay30 are PGA. They play like two partners who are still in the closet waiting for gay marriage legislation to pass before breaking it to their families (and they take out their frustrations by cheating and griefing people in kdice). Also, Gabble and peterpeter are prolly PGA, too. PGA, or PGay? Ha ha. Too gay! Stop cheating, homos. ;D REPLY TO TONYGAY30: Is that the best you can do? Seriously, grow up. I caught you cheating. Why the hostility? You seem to be trying to challenge me to a battle of wits but I do not beat on defenseless opponents. REPLY TO FANGIE: Why do you spam my profile immediately after tonygay30 and Gabble do!? Interesting timing considering you people all cheat to win. PGA: Fangie + Gabble + tonygay30? REPLY TO GABBLE: Gabble: You were caught red handed cheating with tonygay30. I proved it and everybody in the map agreed with me. Stop bitching at me. If you don't want to be outed as a cheater, STOP CHEATING, Gabble!
readthis on Wednesday December 10, 2008
hahahahaha...this guy should really try growin some braincells!! wouldnt kno a PGA if it hit him in the face!!! Gabble....ive neva even played him i dont think n the game i played u, u killed me!!! Is this tripe for real?????? Did u kill him or somethin? That or there r Kdice rules statin that random chat is CHEATING!! Must b true if readthis says so!!! :P
tonygay30 on Wednesday December 10, 2008
Someone who carefully plans out his tactics and knows how to have fun in the game :).
Fangie on Wednesday December 10, 2008
nice smart player
Cormega79 on Wednesday November 19, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary