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Pathetic lillte dweeb killing me for taking out mitsi ??? if that aint a PGA bitch !!
r0nin on Monday February 2, 2009
What's funny is your inability to write the truth, and correct your mistakes. You are incapable of writing anything new. You continue to post the same lies with the same typos. It is clear from others reviews that you are a poor player. You don't know the definition of "noob." You simply throw it down because you think it's fun to write. You are the noob, pussy, princess and you are the one continuing to cry about your incapacity to play well.
KAddict on Sunday December 7, 2008
racist dumb fuck.
klobuerste_one on Friday December 5, 2008
**WARNING** If this guy asks you to take pictures of your bottom and send it to him. DON'T, it is a trick!!
010101 on Monday November 17, 2008
@ Timnid - Take a look at all the people profiles who have called me a liar, you'll see what kind of people they are ;-) This is just coming down to and argument of he said, she said. I maintain that you attacked me after I flagged, and you even acknowledged that you weren't respecting the flag. But it looks like we will have to agree to disagree. Have fun!
angreal on Monday May 26, 2008
@timnid : Not only is he brilliant at writing well thought out comments he is also great at completely forgetting what happened. I flagged, you continually attacked, I told you I was flagged, you said you didn't care ("ofcourse I'm going to fucking crusify you!"), and you just kept attacking. You only stopped after the other players warned you not not disrespect flags, by that stage you had killed all but one territory. It's not like you would have lost a position, which would have been an understandable reason to attack a flagged player. It's just that you were pissed off because the game wasn't going your way and wanted revenge. Which is also fair enough, it just mean that I will leave a comment on your profile so that other know you are like this. It's not anything to get worked up / call names over. Hope to see you in a table sometime and I will still respect your flags, even after this ;-)
angreal on Friday May 23, 2008
Haha, you even stated in the chat that you were not respecting my flags, and the other players told you to. Looks like you've just been caught with your pants down.
angreal on Friday May 23, 2008
Doesn't respect flags.
angreal on Thursday May 22, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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