Level 60
to level 61


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Nice and honest player. Voluntarily gave 4th to another player who deserved it.
ADmiral-N on Tuesday April 7, 2009
shitty player, small brain. in other words, he blends right in here.
botch on Wednesday March 25, 2009
No knowledge of how to play the game. Thinks fighting will "take too much time". At a 100-level table with no dom. Idiot who will never make it at the higher level tables.
Tuck_Tuck on Wednesday March 25, 2009
Ok to begin, ur retarded. I asked him if we could be kool and he said that i didnt have enough territories to be a threat. Then i told him ok but im still not gunna attack you and waited until he was second. Sencondly, this guy will cry until there is no tomorrow because soemthing isn't "fair." LIFE AINT FAIR! plus ITS A GAME!
BostonMets5 on Friday January 16, 2009
Is a huge faggot. does not know how to play. and constantly bitches about everything
Ganja<3 on Friday January 9, 2009
my deep respect!
rerrr on Thursday January 8, 2009
NOT TO BE TRUSTED!! Breaks truces and does not respect flags!!
Jouster III on Tuesday December 30, 2008
don't know anything about dicewars..Do not trust him
Vsync on Tuesday October 7, 2008
Eeehh guy I'm not truce breaker so I won't kill the guy who I was truced in 10~~ round cause He had less luck -.-
Sahet on Monday October 6, 2008
-2 (PGA with fishnetangel)
alter ego on Tuesday September 16, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary