Level 51
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dont accept flags and play pga
voijas on Wednesday April 10, 2013
PGA with munch maquchi
Big Punisher on Monday April 8, 2013
cancer to this site
yxalag1uoi on Wednesday November 28, 2012
2012-02-06 Excellent 1st place play from Hirokone. He had 1st in hand, yellow flagged to him for 2nd, I flagged to Hirokone and yellow, then he and yellow sat around very patiently waiting for my fight for 3rd to end. It took quite some time, but I won 3rd. Hirokone did not worry or get excited when I pulled ahead of yellow into 2nd place; he just waited patiently for me to beat purple (or purple to beat me). I sat out and yellow got his 2nd, Hirokone got his 1st. Thanks again, Hirokone.
3.14159 on Monday February 6, 2012
worst fucking player on the entire world. didnt even do anything to him and i flagged him when i clearly deserved 3rd and all of a sudden he just kills me... i hope this player leaves kdice very soon.
sydthekid21 on Monday May 16, 2011
Loboll on Friday May 6, 2011
pga with karthic
Karthic Evony on Friday May 6, 2011
Cries too much when he loses and he stalks badly
Aligon Zales on Monday March 7, 2011
attacked flagged player
wwidww on Thursday November 18, 2010
most honorable player ever
ovbogaert on Thursday October 7, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary