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dontattackme on Thursday December 24, 2009
good player!
BigBuddha on Friday December 11, 2009
This guy is filthy in every sense of the word.
FrankieGoesNuts on Monday September 15, 2008
This I thought was a community site to meet new people, but when you got people like this here to do nothing but rip on you it makes the game not fun anymore, I have nothing against you or anybody else so please can we be nice, thank you. And if we meet again lets have a pleasant conversation :)
diddlydong on Thursday September 11, 2008
And as far as a argument "i have seen bla bla use it" go´s, nazi drank milk so we should ban milk and A.H was a vegeterian so we should only eat meat. Elik the fact that some dipstcik uses it for hes own personal "hate symbol" dosent mean that i must renounce 5 thousand years old cultural mark system.
Sewey on Thursday March 27, 2008
sunwheel http://www.burzum.com/burzum/library/text/vargsmal/sunwheel.gif zodiac cross http://www.crichtonmiller.com/pewter%20cross%20004.jpg And in my opinion one should really look the origin before speaking about things they know nothing about.
Sewey on Thursday March 27, 2008
http://www.adl.org/hate_symbols/groups_stormfront.asp speaks for itself - his avatar is the exact likeness of the stormfront logo
xnixnix on Friday March 21, 2008
Seriously....can that be gotten rid of. I've had friends killed by Nazi's (no, not in WWII) and we really don't need that crap in a game
Aaronius Rex on Monday March 17, 2008
Can't believe this guy uses a whitepower symbol as his av. Ryan? Certainly that can be banned?
.3rdbase. on Monday March 17, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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