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Johann Bach

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i agree with Amoos and stacka
Dracula_666 X on Friday June 29, 2012
pretty much what stakaboo said .. minus the adult part ;)
Amoos on Wednesday June 27, 2012
lol Johann BAch (countering a truce is not being pga with players, you'll learn it when you'll be an adult)
stakaboo on Wednesday June 27, 2012
PGA with Captain Falcon
Osiris4 on Thursday June 7, 2012
probably thought Trayvon was innocent?
MrsGrendler on Sunday June 3, 2012
2012-06-02 Johann Bach (and his other names) is a chat jerk, as always. The chat below is verbatim as always. I am brown; Captain Falcon, trying very hard to be clever, calls it "bronze." ++++++++++ [Note: Johann Bach and Captain Falcon are NOT playing in this game. They just start chatting at some of us who are playing.] ---------- Captain Falcon: hi, Pi. ---------- Johann Bach is here ---------- Captain Falcon: So how're you today? ---------- Johann Bach: sorry, was insutling green more lol ---------- Captain Falcon: I'm just a chat jerk / web boy... talk to me, Bronze. ---------- Johann Bach: lol dude has anyone figured out what brown's mental illness is yet? ########## ---------- Johann Bach: or is it autism after all? ########## ---------- Captain Falcon: what the ---------- Captain Falcon: I didn't hear the beep ---------- Johann Bach: *plays tangerine panic* ---------- Booldozerr: beep ---------- Captain Falcon: How's it going? ---------- stakaboo: fuck that shit man ---------- Booldozerr: i think its better you didnt hear it ---------- stakaboo: but epic shit ---------- Captain Falcon: heh my restack didn't work in my favor ---------- Captain Falcon: so I'm dead either way ---------- stakaboo: both of us ---------- Johann Bach: Hmm 354... lol I didn't blink a single time during that game ---------- Johann Bach: my eyes are watering ---------- Captain Falcon: I gave my bottom stacks to Red and Green, hopefully I can push Top. ---------- Captain Falcon: Hmm... ---------- Johann Bach: lmfao ---------- Captain Falcon: :hug: ---------- oldalbert: lol ---------- Captain Falcon: Flag Blue. ---------- stakaboo: lolz ---------- Johann Bach: dude look, brown is finally going to get something other than 7th place lol ########## ---------- Captain Falcon: :( ---------- Beach_Bum_13: brown is goig to win ---------- Beach_Bum_13: flag brown ---------- Johann Bach: I wouldn't put it past him to throw his win, lmfao ########## [Note: Johann Bach has seen my work. He is proved correct below.] ---------- 3.14159: thanks blue ---------- Beach_Bum_13: np ---------- Johann Bach has left ---------- Beach_Bum_13: gonna have me a slice of pi ---------- Booldozerr: thats what i did ---------- Booldozerr: after your stupid move blue ---------- oldalbert: yellow let's take em down. ---------- Booldozerr: no green wont let me ---------- stakaboo: shittttttttt ---------- Booldozerr: flag brown ---------- Beach_Bum_13: which stupid move yell? ---------- Beach_Bum_13: I make so many ---------- 3.14159: thanks yellow ---------- stakaboo: could have been fun ---------- oldalbert: flAG BROWN ---------- Beach_Bum_13: that soes nto narrow it down ---------- Booldozerr: you take my lands when i have 7 on you blue ---------- 3.14159: thanks red ---------- Beach_Bum_13: *does ---------- stakaboo: flag brown too ---------- 3.14159: thanks green ---------- 3.14159: well, that is everyone but purple ---------- 3.14159: having no one to attack... ---------- 3.14159: i quit ########## [Note: Johann Bach calls this "throwing" the game.] ---------- 3.14159: (after I stack up) ---------- stakaboo: gl red ---------- stakaboo: oops ---------- stakaboo: ^^ ---------- oldalbert: you too ---------- 3.14159: i'll be quitting after my next turn ---------- 3.14159: don't put up a real flag ---------- oldalbert: k ---------- stakaboo: why do you leave ? ---------- 3.14159: i have no one left to attack... ---------- 3.14159: and i don't play for points ---------- 3.14159: in fact, i only play the 0 tables ---------- 3.14159: if i am forced off by getting over 500 points... ---------- 3.14159: i quit in round 1 of a 500 game... ---------- stakaboo: I do that too on my other acc ---------- 3.14159: to get right back to the 0 tables ---------- stakaboo: they are fun ---------- Booldozerr: you changed your profile picture green after long time ---------- 3.14159: why do i do it? because i dislike the spoken and unspoken truces on the higher tables ---------- Captain Falcon: me too, bronze :( ---------- 3.14159: too much trouble and i am too lazy ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2011-12-10 Johann Bach reviewed me: "Deeply disturbed individual. Definitely autistic." See? As I point out below, Johann has no imagination at all. "Autism" is the one big word he knows and the one he is sticking to. (If only he knew what it meant. He is like a 10-year-old using the "F" word without knowing what it means--funny and sad at the same time.) ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2011-12-10 Johann Bach is in junior high? He learned the big word "autism" and now uses it as his sole attack in chat. Chat below is verbatim as always. ++++++++++ [Note: I was teal in the game. Johann Bach was NOT playing in the game, but he felt strong enough to comment on my chat to another player.] ---------- Johann Bach: whoa did teal take his meds today? [Note: See? A sophomoric sense of cleverness. Johann Bach THINKS this is wit. Pathetic.] ---------- 3.14159: sure did! ---------- 3.14159: Panpil was my happy pill! ---------- Panpil: bye frieind ---------- Johann Bach: what a sad human being [Note: He is referring to me.] ---------- 3.14159: bye trucer on a 0 table ---------- Johann Bach: I feel so bad for teal lmao [Note: See? Sophomoric. "feel so bad" and "lmao"? Doesn't really work does it, Dear Readers--even as sarcasm.] ---------- 3.14159: lmao ---------- 3.14159: rofl ---------- 3.14159: lol ---------- 3.14159: pick one ---------- Johann Bach: what a sad human ---------- 3.14159: Bach thinks he has something going here ---------- 3.14159: he doesn't ---------- Johann Bach: sorry but you sound autistic [Note: THERE it is. Johann Bach brings out his big and ONLY gun.] ---------- 3.14159: Backstabber, PGA with red ---- is that YOU, Bach ---------- 3.14159: that is your one review ---------- Johann Bach: nice, change the subject ---------- 3.14159: Bach must be in junior high... ---------- Johann Bach: if it makes you feel better about your autism [Note: AND he repeats it!?! Showing off his lack of intelligence, breeding, and imagination all at once. Pathetic.] ---------- 3.14159: in high school we learned NOT to use psychology jargon in our writing ---------- 3.14159: making diagnoses through a Kdice chat? malpractice at best ---------- Johann Bach: change the subject some more please ---------- 3.14159: no, the subject is your poor judgment ---------- Johann Bach: its okay, I know it must be hard for you to admit [Note: See? He thinks he has something even when he doesn't. No judgment at all.] ---------- 3.14159: it has been since you started chatting, JB ---------- 3.14159: this repetitive line of attack is sad for you, JB ---------- Johann Bach: no the subject is your autism :) ---------- Johann Bach: you are clearly a sad human being ---------- 3.14159: keep repeating it, though, if it makes you feel better ---------- 3.14159: "autism"? really? do you use that EVERY time? ---------- 3.14159: or do you have another one? ---------- Johann Bach: feel better about what? ---------- 3.14159: avoid the subject ---------- 3.14159: do you always attack with "autism" or do you have another fallback ---------- 3.14159: ? ---------- 3.14159: cat got your tongue, JB? ---------- 3.14159: google something ---------- 3.14159: we will wait ---------- 3.14159: no? ---------- 3.14159: yes? ---------- 3.14159: pathetic, JB ---------- 3.14159: "autism" really IS all you had? ---------- 3.14159: pathetic and sad, JB ---------- Panpil: flag red/ green ---------- PeaceDog: k, blue ---------- nurek: flagged ---------- [Note: Johann Bach left in a huff. Maybe it was a minute-and-a-huff.]
3.14159 on Saturday June 2, 2012
cheats with captain falcon
DoobiusMalcor on Saturday June 2, 2012
pga's with captain falcon and "doesn't accept flags"... wtf...
i_take_shitzzz on Friday May 25, 2012
Poor player, attacks and protects others who have a PGA with him, that is Captain Falcon.
TekManiac on Sunday May 6, 2012
Accuses you of PGA if you and another person are attacking him.
yxalag1uoi on Saturday May 5, 2012
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