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can't stop trolling -changeAvatar -chat -play -post jurgen 6:14 AM, Tuesday December 25, 2012 EST

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Player accepted my flag but later on started attacking me unprovoked.
Gnopps on Saturday September 8, 2012
2012-07-09 Marxist is a chat jerk of the "pwnt" and "umad" variety--tiny little pathetic jabs at people because he can't help himself. All chat below is verbatim as always. Marxist is red, I am yellow. ++++++++++ [Note: I failed in my 5v4 (I think) attack on Marxist who was in 1st place at the time. Thanks to my work holding him off with just two (2) lands, Marxist ended up 3rd instead of 1st.] ---------- Marxist: PWNT ---------- Marxist: oop ---------- Marxist: pwnt* ---------- 3.14159: is "pwnt" a variant of "pwnd"? ---------- Marxist: obviously ########## [Note: Is Marxist feeling his oats?] ---------- 3.14159: what does it mean? ---------- Marxist: it means umad? ########## ---------- MrDG: flag green ---------- 3.14159: oh, you are one of THOSE guys? really? ---------- luke kaehne: thanks ---------- Marlon Castillo: flag red ---------- 3.14159: Marxist is one of those "umad" types of chat jerks ---------- Marxist: ty ---------- 3.14159: np yw ---------- Marxist: no u ---------- 3.14159: no U :) ---------- Marxist: i said ty to brown ---------- 3.14159: did you? ---------- 3.14159: flag green ---------- luke kaehne: thanks ---------- Marxist: u mad? ---------- Marlon Castillo: flag blue ---------- 3.14159: no, i just point at chat jerks and laugh ---------- 3.14159: and there U are, marxist ---------- Marxist: stop crying ---------- 3.14159: a typical chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: of the "umad" variant ---------- Marlon Castillo: flag red y blue ---------- Marxist: ur probably fat irl i assume ? [Note: Here Marxist enters the chat jerk response phase where he tries to insult me by spouting stereotypes.] ---------- 3.14159: Marxist, you are just one of the 3% on Kdice... ---------- Marxist: virgin? ---------- 3.14159: you are one of the rats and cockroaches we have learned to live with ---------- Marxist: stop crying ---------- 3.14159: you are NOT special ---------- 3.14159: and you HATE having your bad behavior called out like this ---------- Marxist: fat virgin \ ---------- 3.14159: you HATE it ---------- Marxist: no ---------- Marxist: umad tho? ---------- 3.14159: guys like Marxist ask: "why can't i be free to be a chat jerk and not have any repurcussions? WHY?" ---------- Marlon Castillo: red ---------- Marxist: yo ---------- Marlon Castillo: si tu ---------- Marxist: si mi que ---------- Marlon Castillo: flag ---------- MrDG: k blue i need to go through so ---------- 3.14159: blue has left the table ---------- MrDG: or so ---------- Marxist: out [Note: Marxist notes when he finally killed me off--but the damage to his chances at 1st place is already done. And I only had two lands to stop him.] ---------- 3.14159: gg all but red ---------- 3.14159: but read his reviews later... ---------- 3.14159: Marxist will HATE seeing his own words in his review--HATE it ---------- 3.14159: he will remember this game the rest of his life ---------- 3.14159: "i can't believe that guy called me out for my chat jerk behavior--how DARE he" ---------- 3.14159: that is what Marxist will be thinking ---------- 3.14159: so my work is doen ---------- 3.14159: done ---------- Marxist: lol u care so much ---------- Marxist: fatty ---------- 3.14159: i don't care at all about YOU, marxist ---------- 3.14159: i am working for the 97% ---------- Marxist: then stop crying ---------- 3.14159: not the 3% ---------- Marxist: shhhh ---------- 3.14159: i am not crying at all--i enjoy my work ---------- Marxist: stop ---------- 3.14159: i enjoy pointing at chat jerks like you and laughing at you ---------- 3.14159: YOU are the one trying to stop ME ---------- 3.14159: i don't care what you do ---------- 3.14159: so i win the chat game--as always ---------- Marxist: no ---------- 3.14159: "no"? how eloquent! ---------- 3.14159: speak up, Marxist--fill the chat with your wisdom! ---------- Marxist: what a witty repartee ---------- 3.14159: oops, bad grammar there ---------- Marxist: not ---------- 3.14159: you meant to say "what witty repartee" ---------- Marxist: no ---------- 3.14159: yes ---------- Marxist: i didn't actually ---------- 3.14159: then you are just wrong ---------- Marlon Castillo: sorry marxist ---------- 3.14159: and a fool ---------- 3.14159: and a chat jerk ---------- Marxist: gg ---------- 3.14159: no surprise ---------- Marxist has left ---------- Marxist is here ---------- 3.14159: ah, Marxist has run like the chat jerk coward that he is ---------- Marxist: lol ---------- 3.14159: lol ---------- 3.14159: rofl ---------- 3.14159: lmao ---------- julieta24 is here ---------- 3.14159: pick one ---------- Marxist: yet ur not playing ?? ---------- Marxist: hmm ---------- Don Chalimont: i always wondered what "rofl" stood for ---------- Marxist: pot meet kettle much? lol ---------- 3.14159: my game is the chat game.... ---------- Marxist: rorfl ---------- Marxist: lmfaoqfl ---------- 2GB of DDR2 RAM: ok, nobody move ---------- 3.14159: having beaten you soundly twice, i am back for more ---------- Marxist: no ---------- 3.14159: automatic gainsaying is not argument, marxist--pathetic ---------- 3.14159: take your time, marxist--google something ---------- 3.14159: we understand your limitations ---------- 3.14159: we are sympathetic ---------- 3.14159: if you were not a chat jerk, you would be fine ---------- 3.14159: as far as kdice goes ---------- 3.14159: nothing to say, marxist? good ---------- 3.14159: your keeping quiet is the only way for you not to lose the chat game ---------- 3.14159: you don't win, but you don't lose ---------- 3.14159: and the rest of us win ---------- Marxist: thou art angry, Jupiter, therefor thou art wrong ---------- 3.14159: ah, another win for me! that is three wins for me, marxist ---------- 3.14159: but that was some good googling there ---------- 3.14159: better than most of the idiotic chat jerks around here ---------- 3.14159: perhaps there is hope for you ---------- Marxist: no ---------- Marxist: its from brothers karamazov ---------- Marxist: which ive read twice this month ########## [Note: Marxist is embarrassed about being called out for being a chat jerk, so here he tries to show off a little bit. It is endearingly pathetic that we wants to be seen as better than he has shown so far.] ---------- 3.14159: by the way, is the garbage man angry when he picks up the garbage and takes it to the garbage dump? ---------- Don Chalimont: oh, twice, of course ---------- 3.14159: is the sheriff angry when he stops the scofflaw? ---------- Marxist: yup ---------- 3.14159: no, he is doing his job ---------- 3.14159: that is what i am doing with YOU, marxist ---------- Don Chalimont: have you been getting any these days, pi? ---------- 3.14159: quite successfully i might add ---------- Marxist: also crime and punishment ---------- 3.14159: you prefer the crime part, marxist ---------- Marxist: and the idiot, notes from underground ---------- Marxist: no its dostoevsky ---------- 3.14159: you like to imagine yourself in an amoral world ---------- Marxist: no ---------- 3.14159: of course it is ---------- 3.14159: you can't deal with the freedom of the internet, marxist--you have to act out ---------- Marxist: i have morals ########## [Note: The lady doth protest to much, methinks. I quote from Shakespeare; I read Shakespeare twice while waiting for Marxist to google something.] ---------- 3.14159: then use them ---------- 3.14159: don't be a chat jerk ---------- Marxist: they are a social construct though ########## [Note: Marxist is here referring to morals.] ---------- 3.14159: it is so pathetic ---------- Marxist: not innate ########## [Note: Marxist got that from the Cliff Notes version of "Philosophy for Children."] ---------- 3.14159: ah, the sophomoric brain at work ---------- Marxist: which is good really ---------- Marxist: no ---------- Cameron Brown: jesus christ, shut the fuck up, you both sound like bickering women ---------- 3.14159: "social construct"--brilliant! no one ever thought of THAT before ---------- Marxist: im not bickering ---------- Don Chalimont: slash mute nickname ---------- 3.14159: yes, yellow and green--mute us or ignore us ---------- Don Chalimont: flag purp ---------- 2GB of DDR2 RAM: ok ---------- Marlon Castillo: flag purpl ---------- 3.14159: so there is no such thing as good and evil, right marxist? so you do what you want to if you can get away with it? ---------- 3.14159: that sounds about right for your behavior ---------- Marxist: brb ########## [Note: Marxist leaves the table and does not return.] ---------- Marxist has left ---------- 2GB of DDR2 RAM: can't brown ---------- 2GB of DDR2 RAM: I need to fight yellow ---------- 3.14159: but it is pathetic to aim so low with your bad behavior, marxist ---------- Marlon Castillo: yes ---------- 3.14159: being a chat jerk is about as pathetic an evil guise to wear that i can imagine ---------- Marlon Castillo: flag purp ---------- 2GB of DDR2 RAM: brown, I need your land ---------- 2GB of DDR2 RAM: yellow is not flagging ---------- Don Chalimont: flag out brown ---------- 3.14159: perhaps aim a little higher, marxist, and aim on the good side rather than the evil side ---------- Don Chalimont: or just fight teal
3.14159 on Monday July 9, 2012
learn the game before u blame somebody for loosing
Mr.Snuff on Saturday July 10, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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