Level 31
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Naughty is as Naughtarius does
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Gros Cretin
NicolasSarkozy on Wednesday February 29, 2012
Loses and somehow he's still better than you... I thought maybe he was just having a bad day when he did it, but after reading the reviews here I see that it's a recurring attitude... I blame the single mom that probably raised him for him being such a bad sport... You lost because I'm better than you
akwroc on Sunday February 26, 2012
WTF! only 3 negative reviews on this page. I think you are getting old buddy!
meatyjeff on Friday January 7, 2011
Funny guy.
Ellington on Sunday January 2, 2011
Plays big. Never a dull moment.
tiraid on Thursday December 9, 2010
dont give dar reviews for no reason lol
bemidji on Tuesday December 7, 2010
border line retard
irishrugby on Monday December 6, 2010
PGA with raiders
Scootus on Friday November 26, 2010
He back stabs, just a warning. He flagged early, then jumped in when he saw a chance...
Cole Borsch on Friday November 26, 2010
Great sense of humour and honourable player
etotheipi on Tuesday November 23, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
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