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he doesn't respect flags and don't let players fight for a place.
tuure on Friday February 13, 2009
nice guy
Bleakwinner on Friday February 13, 2009
Oh. My. God. Where do I start with this psycho loser? Well, here's the deal. [Happyfuntime] and [d(^-^)b] were obviously PGA. I called them on it. [Happyfuntime] freaked out! He just lost it and went nuts on me in the chat window. I have never seen anyone this angry online, even in kdice (and that is saying a lot). He stalked me for several maps with his buddy [d(^-^)b] so it is a confirmed the PGA, btw. OK, now for the juicy delicious part. His frothing tirade was so amusing I recorded everything he said to me in the chat window. Although I would love to share it all with the world, it spans several pages and even his messages alone numbered over 100 lines of text rage so I can't share them all (unfortunately). These are some choice quotes from [Happyfuntime]. Does he sound happy to you? Sounds more like multi-game psycho stalking angerpalooza. The ALL CAPS are his, by the way. This is just a TASTE of the bile in [Happyfuntime]'s frothing cup of wrath: Happyfuntime: HEY FUCK U ASSHOLE Happyfuntime: DONT BE A FUCKING BITCH Happyfuntime: I HAVE PLAYED A LOT MORE FUCKING GAMES THAN U FAGOT AND HAVE REPUTATION AS FAIR Happyfuntime: U ARE JUST A NUMBNUTS FUCK Happyfuntime: SO FUCK YOURSELF DIPSHIT Happyfuntime: YEAH YEAH GET FUCKED MISTER 500 POINT DICKBREATH Happyfuntime: i LIVE IN ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO AND AM HAPPY TO GIVE YOU MY ADDRESS IF YOU WANT TO COME GET SOME PUSSY Happyfuntime: EVEN THOUGH U ARE A PUSSY I AM REAL SCARED Happyfuntime: NOW I MUTED U Happyfuntime: NEXT I KILL YOU Happyfuntime: LEAR TO FUCK YOUR MOM Happyfuntime: ITS FUN Happyfuntime: CEPT SHE IS A SHITBAG THAT FARTED OUT U Happyfuntime: I WILL NOW FOLLOLW YOU ARAOUND FUCKING YOU OVER Happyfuntime: WHERE WE PLAYING NEXT NERD Happyfuntime: LIKE YOUR MOM FOLLOWS MY DICK Happyfuntime: WHEN DID YOUR TRAILER GET INTERNET Happyfuntime: WAS IT AFTER YOUR MOM SOLD HER BEAVER Happyfuntime: YEAH WHERE YOU LIVE Happyfuntime: LETS MEET Happyfuntime: WHATS YOUR NAME Happyfuntime: AND YOU TALK YOUR TALK Happyfuntime: I WILL KICK YOUR SKULL IN Happyfuntime: SHHHHHHHHHHHH i no talk to you just kill u Happyfuntime: HEY FUCK U WE PLAY AGAIN AND AGAIN Happyfuntime: SLIT YOUR WRIST WHITE TRASH TRAILER FUCK Happyfuntime: I AM GOING TO JIZZ ON YOUR MOMS FAT FACE AGAIN Happyfuntime: YEAH YOU ARE RIGHT IF YOU CRACK 500 POINTS OR GET YOUR FIRST BIG BOY HAIR THROW A PARTY PUSSY Happyfuntime: YEAH ITS NOT THAT U ARE A IDIOT NAMED AFTER A CAR PART ITS THAT ITS A CONSPIRACY AGAINST U Happyfuntime: FAGOT Happyfuntime: HEY TRANY WOULD HAVE BEEN A BETTER NAME FOR U Happyfuntime: OR HOW BOUT TIRE Happyfuntime: MAYBE YOU CAN NAME YOUR KID LITTLE Happyfuntime: OR ASK YOUR MOM WHY IN THE FUCK YOU GOT NAMED Happyfuntime: NAH i WILL BUG YOU FOR FUCKING EVER Happyfuntime: I AM GOING TO JIZZ ON YOUR MOMS FAT FACE AGAIN Happyfuntime: I fucked your dad in the ass Happyfuntime: he loved it Editor's Note: Happyfuntime sounds neither happy nor fun. :D By the way, the 90's called and they want their ALL CAPS back. ;)
Unhappyangrytime on Thursday October 2, 2008
plays drunk and acts like an ass. fun guy to be around.
burnination on Sunday September 28, 2008
anger issues. very foul language.
BlingKrosby on Friday August 8, 2008
Amazing player! And very good counselor! xD
tojoshan on Saturday April 5, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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