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Reviews 1 - 5 of 5

CheezeMonkey on Thursday July 22, 2010
Fair player and a great guy. GG.
Rowen on Tuesday October 6, 2009
I'm impressed by you're way of talking, not for it is any special but for it's unique here. Intelligence and culture, that is. I don't believe any universal rules would exist that we're aware of, so I'm neither willing to obey any here on KDice. Flagging isn't a rule either, it's more likely etiquette but there's no use of etiquette at war, not even when armies surrender as you've mentioned. The truth is, this game makes me scorn people more and more because I find their behavior pitiful. Since there's a possibility to surrender they act pathetically coward, they don't even realize that there is a chance always, they just exist instead of living, they don't even try despite the fact that establishing any useful contacts could as well make them win. They are not open minded at all, like they were pre-configured, write-protected droids. By the way, to justify my principles I never flag. I respect the ones of yours, even though they won't change my mind. I'm looking forward to play with you anyway.
Kei on Sunday July 27, 2008
And check out the date on the kdice wiki you're watching for flagging, that's 2007 September first and obviously flagging does not cause all your territories to become neutral, nor does it mean you forfeit. It means you're ready for the game to end as it is. Usually First place has the grace to let people fight eachother at the end for their position.
Krangar on Saturday May 31, 2008
Don't trust this guy. Flagging means nothing to him. He owns more than half the board and still selectively targets second, saying 'it's not fair to flag.' Yet when second is unassailable by 3rd and 4th and is therefore ready for the game to end, it's somehow fair for first to kill off second.
Krangar on Saturday May 31, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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