
coconutt's ultimate avoiding pga guide
Coconutt wrote
at 10:26 AM, Sunday December 13, 2009 EST
pga has always been and probably will always be a part of kdice. but there are some ways to avoid it though. here's some of them:

1) if u want to sit on, lets say 500 table, and you see one with 5/7 players and second with 2/7 players, chances are there is a pga duo on the second table.

2) observe the game - if someone doesn't make an obviously necessary cut, just ask him why - pga players are scared of being revealed, so this may even lead them to show-off fight, just to prove, they aren't pga.

3) if you suspect pga, just check their last 10 tables. don't look at the table's names, compare the number in the game column and look for patterns.

4) if you are almost sure of pga, accuse them in the chatbox and convince others to kill them. this way you punish the cheaters and get at least +2 in position

5) proxy cheating - look for patterns - if you suspect two players r to be controlled by a proxy cheater, try to talk about anything with one of them and then try to spot if the other one stops moving when the first one is talking.

6) similar to 5) - try to talk with both players suspected of being controlled by a proxy-cheater - he can make a mistake while alt-tabbing and write something using the wrong account

feel free to add your own techniques in comments

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Replies 1 - 2 of 2
Gurgi wrote
at 10:35 AM, Sunday December 13, 2009 EST
1) get/make some friends to kill the pga

2) continue playing with ur friends even after the pga leaves and pretend your working together for justice
kdiceplaya! wrote
at 1:42 AM, Monday May 16, 2011 EDT
Logical conclusion from Gurgi's post...we play team kdice, and all is fun!
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