
Completely disable flagging until 2 players remain
Sparqs wrote
at 10:19 PM, Friday May 4, 2007 EDT

0 people think this is a good idea

Replies 1 - 10 of 10
Guelph wrote
at 10:23 PM, Friday May 4, 2007 EDT
And the only reason to keep it in at that point is that sometimes a 1 on 1 battle will take forever.

This would force people to play instead of hiding behind the "Waahhh I'm flagged don't attack me" defense.

There would be no more confusion behind the meaning of the flag or the etiquette or expected behavior with it.

Ninja flagging would go away.

Yes, some games might take a little longer, but I think it's a fair tradeoff.
MrBooBoo wrote
at 12:14 AM, Saturday May 5, 2007 EDT
I think your position should be frozen when you flag. This would not only end this "Ninja flagging"(what are you, 15 Guelph?), it would stop flagged players from deciding the winner by teaming up to attack a remaining in contention player. This should be a game of skill not a game of who likes who better.
kplayr wrote
at 3:44 AM, Saturday May 5, 2007 EDT
Ninja flagging is funny - (what are you, 60 MrBooBoo).

I think flags are great as they reflect the down and dirty style of war and the fact that who is your enemy/friend and threat/non-threat is not clear just like the real world.

War doesn't have any rules - governments just say it does!!!
Sparqs wrote
at 5:16 AM, Saturday May 5, 2007 EDT
I like the flags the way they are. You're welcome to try and use them strategically, but the only time they affect my kill-you-or-not decision is when most others are flagged and I just need to kill off some hold-outs.

Flagged or not, if taking you is my best strategy, you're lunch - whine all you want.

When I flag, I'll often indicate my intentions (like: flagging to the emperor, others are fair game) but I don't expect you to respect my flag or announcement unless we've agreed to a truce.
LancerDistance wrote
at 7:48 PM, Saturday May 5, 2007 EDT
I like this rule. Flags just give ppl stuff to hide behind. Sometimes they just sit so u bypass them, and then the attack
JDizzle787 wrote
at 8:30 PM, Sunday May 6, 2007 EDT
Umm, well, flagging is retarded if there are only two people left. you're already going to fight it out, usually, so, uh, flag just to save two minutes?
Fat Phil wrote
at 10:25 PM, Sunday May 6, 2007 EDT
Earl Grey wrote
at 5:02 AM, Monday May 7, 2007 EDT
OldElvis wrote
at 12:47 PM, Monday May 7, 2007 EDT
Nope, fine as they are
Sparqs wrote
at 6:18 PM, Monday May 7, 2007 EDT
Added to the Kdice wiki Idea Repository.
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