
Zoid and Odie convos for the lulz
Thraxle wrote
at 7:06 PM, Wednesday June 30, 2010 EDT

[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:45:55 PM] drzoid69: drzoid69 is online
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:45:51 PM] drzoid69: hey sexy
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:46:11 PM] kdicemod: sup baby
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:46:16 PM] kdicemod: stop playing LP's accounts
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:46:23 PM] kdicemod: and stop double teaming me on AIM
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:47:02 PM] drzoid69: i thought you liked double penetration?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:47:38 PM] kdicemod: nah
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:47:46 PM] kdicemod: I like to make 'em air tight
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:47:52 PM] kdicemod: not be made air tight
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:47:56 PM] drzoid69: Lol
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:48:35 PM] drzoid69: man
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:48:39 PM] drzoid69: ban nate and nata woof
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:48:44 PM] drzoid69: so obvious lol
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:49:07 PM] kdicemod: yeah, I watched them play
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:49:11 PM] kdicemod: it was p clean
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:49:38 PM] kdicemod: did you play zipp last night?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:49:50 PM] kdicemod: are you playing LP right now?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:49:58 PM] drzoid69: im playing raddish bro
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:50:16 PM] kdicemod: why is your IP on the zippskie and LP accounts then?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:50:30 PM] drzoid69: i played zippskie, not Lp lol
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:50:36 PM] drzoid69: truth is
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:50:39 PM] drzoid69: pube gave me it,
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:50:45 PM] drzoid69: he didnt once
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:50:46 PM] drzoid69: log in
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:50:50 PM] drzoid69: it wasnt shared at all
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:51:00 PM] kdicemod: pube gave you zipp?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:50:57 PM] drzoid69: i don thave a main cuz of all the shit i get
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:51:04 PM] drzoid69: so i was gonna stick to zipp as my main
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:51:13 PM] kdicemod: you are on LP right now dude
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:51:10 PM] drzoid69: i swear to you, i didnt pga i got mad luck
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:51:13 PM] drzoid69: and i didnt share it
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:51:17 PM] drzoid69: no im not
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:51:20 PM] drzoid69: im on raddish
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:51:30 PM] kdicemod: admit you're on LP and you can have 69 back
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:51:46 PM] kdicemod: post the zippskie login too
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:51:55 PM] drzoid69: im not on Lp...
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:52:03 PM] drzoid69: hwo do i take a screenshot?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:52:06 PM] kdicemod: one of you is lying to me............or both
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:52:07 PM] drzoid69: ill show you what im using
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:52:14 PM] drzoid69: how do i screenshot?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:52:25 PM] kdicemod: i dunno.........lulz
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:52:27 PM] drzoid69: lol
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:52:33 PM] drzoid69: ctrl alt prnt screen
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:52:34 PM] drzoid69: i think
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:52:41 PM] kdicemod: that's why I made everyone else do it
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:52:45 PM] kdicemod: so I didn't have to
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:52:45 PM] drzoid69: Lol
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:52:47 PM] drzoid69: ahaha
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:52:53 PM] drzoid69: but dude, why did bone ban me ?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:53:02 PM] drzoid69: all i did was prove that jona was shared :l
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:53:05 PM] kdicemod: odie just spent 20 minutes denying that zipp is shared
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:53:10 PM] drzoid69: its not shared
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:53:21 PM] kdicemod: if two have login then it's shared
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:53:29 PM] drzoid69: he let me change the pass to it...
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:53:31 PM] drzoid69: i just told you that
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:53:45 PM] kdicemod: does he have that email access?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:53:54 PM] drzoid69: what?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:54:06 PM] kdicemod: it's his email for zipp..........right?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:54:17 PM] kdicemod: you have to do the pw change through the accounts email
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:54:37 PM] drzoid69: he gave me the account full out
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:54:40 PM] drzoid69: i have the email and everything
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:54:42 PM] drzoid69: no one else plays it
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:54:58 PM] drzoid69: i didnt pga veta also, i kept fucking him over
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:55:09 PM] drzoid69: but you know how veta is hell truce whenever possible, i got some truces with him
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:55:13 PM] kdicemod: lol, that's what odie said HE did
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:55:13 PM] drzoid69: but other tims i truced against him
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:55:27 PM] drzoid69: I know man, odie doesnt want it to be banned....
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:55:38 PM] drzoid69: give me a break for once, i actually havent one anything wrong here
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:55:53 PM] kdicemod: zipp/blunt earned 60k in about 2 hours
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:55:58 PM] drzoid69: i know this
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:56:05 PM] drzoid69: if you let me play 1 game with zipp on 5k
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:56:11 PM] kdicemod: he's still AIMing me denying it
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:56:09 PM] drzoid69: youll see ill win it 100%
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:56:59 PM] drzoid69: i told you
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:57:06 PM] drzoid69: he doesnt want it to be banned,
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:57:18 PM] drzoid69: Thrax my word is good..
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:57:43 PM] drzoid69: everytime youve banned me, and it was legit
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:57:45 PM] drzoid69: ive admitted to you
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:57:53 PM] drzoid69: but when it wasnt legit ill bitch ofc :p
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:59:07 PM] kdicemod: odie is still denying it and you are saying it's true


[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:36:13 PM] Odiezipp: Odiezipp (odiezipp) is online
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:36:10 PM] Odiezipp:
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:36:21 PM] Odiezipp:
so like, idk whats going on
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:36:56 PM] kdicemod: tis interesting
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:37:04 PM] Odiezipp:
but, i have just been playing
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:37:16 PM] Odiezipp:
im not in contrioll what my ip is showing
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:37:32 PM] kdicemod: all your other IPs have always been Cali
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:37:43 PM] Odiezipp:
ya, but i also play at my company
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:37:49 PM] kdicemod: I find it strange that zoid's IP just happens to be on your a mistake
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:37:55 PM] Odiezipp:
and we have an office in totonto
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:38:08 PM] kdicemod: doesn't matter, it's the exact IP of zoids
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:38:20 PM] Odiezipp:
i dont have any control over that
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:38:28 PM] Odiezipp:
i have just been playing my game
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:38:41 PM] kdicemod: so the random IP assigned to your account is zoid's?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:38:48 PM] Odiezipp:
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:39:27 PM] kdicemod: quite confusing.........
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:40:08 PM] Odiezipp:
listen, i dont know how ur going to do this, but i was playing last night, it wasnt shared
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:40:26 PM] Odiezipp:
after i started loosing with lp, i gave up
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:41:04 PM] kdicemod: I'll bring up this "bug" to Ryan, but I am inclined to err on the side of you trying to pwn me right now
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:41:10 PM] Odiezipp:
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:41:12 PM] Odiezipp:
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:41:22 PM] kdicemod: why wouldn't I?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:41:28 PM] Odiezipp:
bro, its me playing right now, and im on aim with u
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:41:45 PM] kdicemod: the website just randomly assigned zoid's IP's to your accounts?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:41:55 PM] kdicemod: that's more than a little strange
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:42:00 PM] kdicemod: more than a little coincidental
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:42:10 PM] Odiezipp:
maybe something wrong with the site?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:42:20 PM] kdicemod: and then zipp and blunt earn 60k in 8 games last night?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:42:30 PM] kdicemod: strange stuff happening.........
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:42:33 PM] Odiezipp:
bro, people go on luck streaks
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:42:38 PM] Odiezipp:
it wasnt strange
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:42:52 PM] Odiezipp:
i lost 20k on lp accoount
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:43:05 PM] Odiezipp:
the points go somewhere
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:43:33 PM] kdicemod: I'll investigate further..........but I'm not undoing what is done
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:43:37 PM] kdicemod: not yet
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:43:39 PM] Odiezipp:
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:43:42 PM] Odiezipp:
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:43:58 PM] kdicemod: you wouldn't have the same skepticism as me?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:44:03 PM] kdicemod: if we traded spots?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:44:26 PM] kdicemod: how can you expect me to ignore another players IP being on two of your accounts?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:44:38 PM] Odiezipp:
i would make sure b4 i convicted someone for something they have no controll over
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:45:07 PM] Odiezipp:
specially somethinglike an ip
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:45:17 PM] Odiezipp:
bro, i was playing with shev last night too
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:45:30 PM] Odiezipp:
he never said anything about us pga;ing
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:45:41 PM] Odiezipp:
and myraid was on too
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:46:01 PM] kdicemod: ok.........which is why blunt isn't banned
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:46:19 PM] Odiezipp:
y would he be banned?
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:46:32 PM] Odiezipp:
we didnt do anything wrong
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:46:36 PM] kdicemod: he wouldn't if he didn't PGA
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:47:24 PM] Odiezipp:
i mean, if it makes u happy, ill change all my passwords today after the tourney
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:48:12 PM] Odiezipp:
but i see no reason zip should be banned
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:48:19 PM] Odiezipp:
specially permanently
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:48:44 PM] kdicemod: until I find some proof that it's an error I have no choice
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:54:42 PM] kdicemod: zoid just admitted to you "giving" him the zippskie account
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:54:43 PM] kdicemod: FYI
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:55:38 PM] Odiezipp:
i didnt
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:55:49 PM] Odiezipp:
y would i lose my main
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:55:52 PM] Odiezipp:
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:56:28 PM] kdicemod: he claims you don't even know the login anymore
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:57:46 PM] Odiezipp:
honestly bro, i dont care anymore
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:57:56 PM] Odiezipp:
i just feel u always have it out for me
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:58:02 PM] Odiezipp:
and im kinda just giving up
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:58:11 PM] Odiezipp:
after this month, im done with lp too
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:58:26 PM] Odiezipp:
u can ban this too after the tourney
[Wed Jun 30 2010 07:58:31 PM] Odiezipp:
if u want too

Probably none of this will post right....

Replies 1 - 10 of 16 Next › Last »
Thraxle wrote
at 7:07 PM, Wednesday June 30, 2010 EDT
wow it worked.............I'd like my other mods to chime in plz
dasfury wrote
at 7:10 PM, Wednesday June 30, 2010 EDT
wow, 2 chatlogs with no mention of adam or int. kdice times are a changing
at 7:13 PM, Wednesday June 30, 2010 EDT
no, but Adam stopped by to say hi while I was collecting these...
Shevar wrote
at 7:32 PM, Wednesday June 30, 2010 EDT
what do mean by "chime in"
Shevar wrote
at 7:33 PM, Wednesday June 30, 2010 EDT
Bone-Roller wrote
at 7:35 PM, Wednesday June 30, 2010 EDT
Solid ban, Thrax.

Also seems like the ban on Dr.Zoid 619 just went permanent, since I told Zoid last night that if he had any other problems whatsoever, the account would be permed.

As a separate point, as I have posted elsewhere, sharing, selling, trading, or otherwise commingling accounts should be cause for banning not only the account in question, but also the accounts of the peeps engaged in the commingling.

Play your own accounts, people. It is a simple concept and not too difficult to maintain.
at 7:37 PM, Wednesday June 30, 2010 EDT
Commingling.....interesting word.

And by "chime in" I mean state your opinion shev.
greekboi wrote
at 7:49 PM, Wednesday June 30, 2010 EDT

at 10:09 PM, Wednesday June 30, 2010 EDT
Bone-Roller, you're super gay.
Caesar wrote
at 10:33 PM, Wednesday June 30, 2010 EDT
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