Level 45
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Very good guy and player. On a 4-stack 0 table, I was in 1st, MOCOM was in 2nd not too far behind, teal was 3rd quite a bit behind. MOCOM and teal together had more lands than I did, but not by much. MOCOM evenhandedly kept attacking both teal and me, I kept attacking only MOCOM in hopes that teal would fight MOCOM and flag to me, but teal never hit MOCOM back and finally asked MOCOM to truce against me (teal was a Level 6). MOCOM turned it down because "it wouldn't be fair" and it was a 0 table and it wouldn't be as fun. Top marks for MOCOM! Teal quit soon thereafter and MOCOM and I had a very good fight for 1st. MOCOM had a very nice streak of rolls and even took the lead for a turn or two, but I finally hit MY streak and took 1st. It went back and forth and was a very good game. Thanks very much, MOCOM.
3.14159 on Saturday September 24, 2011
lucky one its all
luxsolis on Friday March 11, 2011
idiot players no respect flag.!
bivo on Wednesday February 2, 2011
I got my chat lost how do i get it back?
thenarwhal on Tuesday February 1, 2011
cheap player...lies/unfair/worthless
icecream on Friday January 14, 2011
check 'trendz' for PGA with 'big ball paul'. Trendz took command of board and had everyone flag except big paul. He kept big paul alive so that trendz could drop out and then give big ball paul the win. Blatant PGA. Assholes in the top 100 like this should be perm-banned.
toocool4you20 on Friday December 31, 2010
Sergejlol 's avatar is really nazi. You should banned this guy from this game. Thanks
Srendidor on Tuesday December 21, 2010
Mocom can you moderate this player: he reviewed me "fucking pga bitch, he pga with dice master big time, kill this pricks on sight if you see them on same table." His name is fatman_x thank you!
ThraxIeisgay on Saturday November 27, 2010
Always very respectful
G00PY on Thursday November 25, 2010
never trust
kaneda_z on Saturday October 9, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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