
Odd scoring
mehdorn wrote
at 3:51 PM, Tuesday February 27, 2007 EST
I just had a game with the outcome:

mehdorn surrenders and finishes 2nd.
Rank: 899th Rating: +8 1617.
(+7 for 2nd and +1 for dominance)
mehdorn stands up
CoolBananas finishes 1st.
Rank: 2438th Rating: +39 1531.
(+17 for 1st and +22 for dominance)

The odd thing is, that CollBananas an I had the same number of territories all the time, which changed in the second to last round, where he got 3 more than me.

Why does he get +22 for dom, and I just +1?

Replies 1 - 4 of 4
Amare Stoudemire wrote
at 4:09 PM, Tuesday February 27, 2007 EST
You were a 16xx playing in a 15xx table right. So ELO-Rating will explain a bit of that.
Star Block! wrote
at 5:49 PM, Tuesday February 27, 2007 EST
His overall average territories must've been slightly higher than yours whenever someone was eliminated. I'm not sure exactly how it works though, but your AS was lower at some point of the game besides the end.

And/or there's probably a fixed bonus for finishing 1st.
OldElvis wrote
at 5:50 PM, Tuesday February 27, 2007 EST
So If I have a 15XX rating, I get better scores for Dominance and Place in 1500 table? Or is it tied to the Rating of those I beat at the End? It's not explained in the Wiki
Star Block! wrote
at 6:06 PM, Tuesday February 27, 2007 EST
The elo adjustment is tied to the rating of those you started the game with. 15xx table meant the opponents were mostly about 15xx rating. So mehdorn would've done much better than +8 if he was say 12xx rating.
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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