
issues with rating changes not being recorded
this map sucks wrote
at 7:57 AM, Tuesday February 6, 2007 EST
anybody else having this issue? happened to me twice now, win a game but the score change doesn't get recorded. any ideas on why?

Replies 1 - 10 of 10
madarn wrote
at 10:10 AM, Tuesday February 6, 2007 EST
Btw, I witnessed this with you today, so you aren't drunk or halluconating :-).
Palleon wrote
at 8:30 AM, Wednesday February 7, 2007 EST
Same thing happened to me. My score was 2116, I won and went up to 2146, which was represented at the top of the map, but my player sheet still said 2116, and when I closed the browser and came back, I was in fact still 2116. This is the third time this has happened to me in the last week.
algios2 wrote
at 11:12 AM, Wednesday February 7, 2007 EST
It happens sometimes. You can imagine how many people would ask if Ryan would adjust scores manually? Can you also imagine how much time he would need to fix it? Perhaps we can try to get detailed information about it and help Ryan finding the bug!

It happened to me once when I got first place, whilst other player scores got recorded. Are you above also and only talking of first places not being recorded?
Palleon wrote
at 11:28 AM, Wednesday February 7, 2007 EST
Yes, all 3 times it has occurred it has been with a first place finish, and only on the 1900 tables. I'm not asking for it to be adjusted, that would be silly, I am trying to get it fixed.
banjhakri wrote
at 12:22 PM, Wednesday February 7, 2007 EST
Yeah, I lost points for 1st on a 1900 table too.
t.harris wrote
at 12:33 PM, Wednesday February 7, 2007 EST
Same happened to me.
Got 1st and went +50 to 2046 - showed at the top, but then went back to 1996 when I refreshed.
Grunvagr wrote
at 2:14 PM, Wednesday February 7, 2007 EST
Just want to add that this happened to me as well.

It's happened maybe 2 times out of 300+ games I've played, so it's a rare occurence. however, it does seem to happen when it is a first place finish (i've never seen or heard of anyone not getting points for 2nd or 3rd, etc) and it also seems to occur at a time of lag with the server.

So my guess is the server lags at a critical point where the score should be altered.

So for example:
I play a game at 1980 and come in first. My score gets +38 so I should be 2018 (on the bottom left text box it records that the new score is that... but at the top left where the link to one's profile is the score is not updated.

So if you get a chance to find this bug it will prolly have to do with lag occuring exactly at the time a game finishes. That's all I can add to that, and again, it's rather rare.
Palleon wrote
at 8:15 AM, Thursday February 8, 2007 EST
Just happened to me again, was at 2100 before the game, +23 for first, and did not update my score. Interestingly enough, the game did not hit the news like it normally does, perhaps it's related?
algios wrote
at 1:16 PM, Thursday February 8, 2007 EST
Certainly @ Palleon.

Either you win no points and therefore are not set or you even don't get first place and therefore are not on front page.

@ Grun: Nice idea.

I doubt guessing about reasons will help a lot.
Semagon wrote
at 9:58 AM, Saturday February 10, 2007 EST
Happened to me too.
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